So the fire Idzik goons got their way... happy?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jetfannerd, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. hardcharger

    hardcharger Trolls

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Patriots fans are the most upset over the Idzik/Ryan firings.
    They're thinking 10 year extensions, for both, would have been in order.
    TNJet likes this.
  2. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    Yea I seriously doubt it,he knows nothing about football its not his area of expertise.Being in an interview isn't uncommon every owner does that kind of thing with high draft picks
  3. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    So what's your point. He signs the checks.
  4. GangGreenBlues

    GangGreenBlues Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Yeah, I'd love to hear Idzik's side of the story, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. An FO person spilling the beans on what's going on behind the scenes is a career killer. Idzik's going to get some FO position somewhere, maybe even back in Seattle, but it would be hard for him to get a GM position right now, since when you can somebody in the middle of a rebuild, there isn't much to show results-wise. Still, I hope his drafts pan out nicely in the future and he gets another opportunity, in a more sane place.
  5. rammagen

    rammagen Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2014
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    wow some items incorrect here.
    After 1 yr with an injury you call milner a bust but not mcdougle and evans......
    geno can't play constantly in this league and that has been proven 40 turnovers in 30 games is likely the only league record he will own.
    6 players in two drafts is not enough when your plan is to rebuild through the draft. You need those players to develop quickly and contribute. the fact they did not is on him as they were his selections.
    Don't get me started on the corner situation yet again t has been well documented.
    Idzik had to go because he sucked, rex had to go too so we can move forward.
  6. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I keep seeing this posted and it is false, so I have to keep correcting

    Vinny Testaverde had 41 interceptions is his first 21 games. Shit he had 35 ints in his first full season.
    Add the next season he had 63 interceptions in 35 games.

    So as shitty and as much of a TO machine Geno is, he has not sucked to Testaverde levels and does not hold the league record.
    slimjasi likes this.
  7. allencjets

    allencjets New Member

    Jan 15, 2013
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    First, its very likely that Idzik will be offered a gm job again.
    Second, Idzik was fired because an impatient fan base would rather spend money to be competitive, than to actually take the time to sit through an actual rebuild. They wanted Idzik to spend money just for the lowest chance to get into the playoffs and then fizzle out. For those who weren't paying attention, Tannenbaum tried that and not only did we not win anything, we were left in cap hell with no depth in any position.
    Having seen all of that, why would Idzik want to go down that same route?
    So now, how will fans react when the new gm spends all of our cap money as demanded and still not win a superbowl, I will wait in anticipation as the endless cycle repeats.
    Year 1...hire new gm/hc, promise a multi-year rebuild. Go through a losing season...
    Year 2...spend ourselves into cap hell, get knocked out short of the superbowl...
    Year 3...go through a losing season in cap hell...
    Year 4...cut high salary players, go with younger players, go through a losing gm/hc...
    Year 5...rinse and repeat...hire new gm/hc...
    jetfannerd likes this.
  8. fireidzik_billboard

    fireidzik_billboard Active Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    ^ Ultimate loser's mentality.

    - John Idzik will NEVER be a GM again. To think otherwise is laughable. Especially the guys talking about Idzik getting a job as the GM of the Pats… lol… I have now seen it all. Add that to the "Rex is going to be the DC of the Pats next year. So let's get this straight… Rex at DC - Idzik at GM - sign me up!! Maybe they want Geno too?
    - The fan base did what was necessary to make sure that Idzik didn't set this franchise back any further. You should be thanking them for their efforts.
    - The new GM will spend the cap money because HE HAS TO. There are rules as to how much money you must spend when you go under the cap like the Jets have the past couple of years. Idzik was possibly the worst talent evaluating GM in the history of football and could not be the person trusted to spend all of that money.
    - There is no reason to think a good, fiscally responsible GM will spend us in to cap hell in year 2 - that is pure speculation and SOJF nonsense.
    TNJet and FlaJet like this.
  9. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    stop using facts please
  10. allencjets

    allencjets New Member

    Jan 15, 2013
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    First, the NFL has always sold a mulitple chances to be a success. So to say Idzik will never be offered another gm job is incorrect.

    Second, a loser's mentality is not sitting still and going through a proper rebuild. A loser's mentality are impatient fans demanding gms spend money to be competetive when they don't even know what that really means. A loser's mentality is demanding a gm be fired because his plan for a rebuild doesn't go according to what they believe a rebuilding program should go.

    Finally, Why should I thank impatient fans for demanding a gm be fired in year 2 of a team rebuild, now the team is forced to start over, again. If the new gm/hc rebuild doesn't go according to these same fans, will they demand they be fired in year 2 of another rebuild?

    Rinse and and hire every 2 years according to the fire Idzik fans...thanks for nothing.
    The 1985er and MikeSLTJ23 like this.
  11. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    It is?
  12. allencjets

    allencjets New Member

    Jan 15, 2013
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    If anything the NFL sells mulitple chances for a person to succeed, so yes, its likely Idzik would be offered another gm job
  13. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    Idzik isn't a typical GM candidate, by any means. He was the victim of, perhaps, the single most ferocious media onslaught ever perpetrated against a team executive in history.
  14. jetfannerd

    jetfannerd Trolls

    Mar 12, 2014
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    1) Milliner has a CAREER ENDING injury. McDougle and Evans do not.
    2) Most young QB's are inconsistent. He reduced his turnovers and improved his accuracy from Year 1 to Year 2 so hopefully Year 3 he puts it all together
    3) Six players in 2 drafts is pretty good. Take a look at football man Terry Bradways draft record-he lasted five years.
    4) For all the talk about DRC he really didn't do much for the Giants
  15. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Strong words. Give us an example or two of anything you think was written unfairly.
  16. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Let's get some facts and set the Idzik record straight and the myth of Idzik whiffed on the draft or can judge talent.
    Some people have some serious unrealistic expectations of 3rd and 4th rounders especially in years 1 and 2.
    And let's keep in mind that most picks in rounds 5 and higher have a high % being special teamers at best.
    The majority of these Idzik's late picks are still on a teams game roster.

    2013 draft -- 7 picks - 7 still in NFL -- 6 Still with Jets and most dressed and playing when not injured

    Dee Milliner -- consensus Top 5 talent, drafted at 9. Pretty much no brainer solid pick (never missed a game in college, no reason to predict injury) - jury still out, may come back
    Sheldon Richardson -- Maybe go down as the best player in the first round of the entire draft (Not that high on most boards)
    Geno Smith -- best rated QB in draft, considered good value in second round (2 year starter, chance to still be starter next year)
    Brian Winters -- 3rd rounder, 12 starts as a rookie, 6 this year before injury. Can be useful as a depth player.
    Oday Aboushi -- 5th rounder, started 10 games this year -- looks like he might have some potential, even if not a starter as OL depth
    Willie Campell -- 6th rounder - Bills signed to futures contract
    Tommy Bohannon - 7th rounder -- played 20 games in 2 years (but injured) - anything out of a 7th rounder is a plus

    2014 draft -- 12 picks - 11 in NFL -- 8 still with Jets (3 not with Jets all played new teams games in December)

    Calvin Pryor -- regardless of the hate, played in every game - started 11, no real first round standouts drafted after him (we weren't drafting Teddy B.)
    Jace Amaro -- played in 14 games, could say underutilized by coaching staff, definitely can live up to draft position potential
    Dexter McDougle -- 3rd rounder, injured -- Cannot legitimately say one way or another -- next year will tell
    Jalen Saunders -- 4th round -- played last 6 games returning kicks for NO. Is cutting him on Idzik or Rex, doesn't matter contributing in NFL
    Shaq Evans -- 4th round -- injured, good chance will be on team next year
    Dakota Dozier -- 4th round -- right now count as nothing
    Jeremiah George -- 5th round -- dressed and played last 6 games with Jax
    Brandon Dixon -- 6th round CB - dressed and played in 14 games with TB
    Quincy Enunwa -- 6th round -- didn't dress until last game against Miami
    IK Enemkpali -- 6th round -- dressed for 6 games including 4 in December
    Taj Bohd -- 6th round -- cut, couldn't beat out Simms -- not really a surprise for a 6th round QB
    Trevor Reilly -- 7th round -- dressed and played in 14 games as a special teamer

    People keep saying this bullshit, Idzik missed on 12 picks this year. 9 of the 12 for 4th round or higher which expectation should be low.

    Of 19 picks in 2 years -- Only 4 might not play at all in NFL.
    This is why you can't judge a draft in 1 year.
    I will stand by what I have been saying -- 4 years from now Idzik's drafts will go down as mediocre at worst.

    Regardless of how things turn out Milliner, Geno and Pryor were all very solid picks based off where they were drafted.
    #116 Section 336, Jan 2, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2015
    ajax, GangGreenBlues and pclfan like this.
  17. fireidzik_billboard

    fireidzik_billboard Active Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Reading that was like watching a bad episode of the twilight zone.
  18. Wahoo

    Wahoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    ^^So if a guy "dresses", that makes him an effective draft pick????
  19. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    If he is a sixth or seventh rounder and plays special teams, you did okay.
    And if he is still in the NFL -- you really can't call him a bust in one year, because you just don't know yet.

    I swear this board is filled with fucking IDIOTS.
    Hell half of the second and third rounders never amount to shit in the NFL.
  20. fireidzik_billboard

    fireidzik_billboard Active Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    which half are the idiots? The ones who called Pryor, Geno & Milliner solid draft picks? Or the sane ones?

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