Forte's Comments Are a Real Condemnation of Bowles

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by NCJetsfan, May 25, 2017.

  1. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    We have discussed Todd Bowles a lot. I don't want to beat a dead horse, but I think the article cited above gives further clarity to the situation and shows just what a bad job Bowles has done as HC of the Jets. In this article, Forté makes some comments that, while not surprising, further reveal the lack of control Bowles has had and the lack of oversight and making sure that things are done well. I hope that Woody is paying attention and that if things aren't markedly better this season, that it will be Bowles' last as the Jets' HC.

    Following are the key quotes from the article.

    Bowles should have nipped this in the bud immediately. He is either stupid and doesn't know how that kind of thing undermines a team's chemistry and play, is clueless on how to address it, or just too lax to be an effective HC.

    This quote may be the worst. It clearly shows that the attitude and approach that Bowles used last year was very Kotitean. There's no excuse for not working smart and hard to correct mistakes and to execute well and consistently.

    Hopefully, Bowles learned something from last year and all the meetings he had with the veterans during the offseason (according to a previous article quoting Forté).
    boozer32, egelband, tomdeb and 2 others like this.
  2. SOJAZ

    SOJAZ Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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    Key word in your analysis is "hope"... I didn't trust him last year and this year - irrespective of all the coaching changes - I still don't.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  3. Chrisiue

    Chrisiue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Fortunately honesty like this pertaining to last year is putting Bowles on the hot seat to be very different from last years performance, if this team does not show progress from the beginning of the year to the end Woody will have to give him the heave ho.
    Wins and losses will not be the determining factor it will be progress, no progression in the teams performance good by Bowles.
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  4. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    This guy is a lame duck,,,,,,I will say it again he will be lucky to make the year without being shit canned
    tomdeb likes this.
  5. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    This is why I'm so pessimistic, and "impatient" with this team. This is Macc's and Bowles's third year, and what has substantially changed? Yes, there has been some marginal improvement, but I don't see it in the context of an overall plan. Their HC is less than mediocre; they still have no FQB; they don't have a strong pass rush; their OL is full of question marks; and even the secondary that they spent two premium picks on - AGAIN! - has holes.

    Maybe Petty or Hack surprise - shock - us and become that FQB; maybe Bowles has a sudden epiphany and becomes the Second Coming of Lomabardi; maybe the OL jells and becomes decent; and maybe somebody steps out of nowhere and becomes the Long Lost Pass Rusher. That's a lot of damn MAYBE's, and realistically most of those won't happen. So all we're really left with is to be stuck between two unacceptable choices: root for them to win as many games as they can, probably 4-6 at the very best, and wind up with a shitty draft pick, or root for them to suck so badly that they get a high draft pick. But in either case, there is no guarantee that they will improve, or change their philosophy.

    I continue to hope against hope that they will do something different, but so far, since the last SB, they have not. I remain skeptical until I see actual evidence to the contrary. Retaining Bowles after last season, and all the evidence that he's not HC material, just tells me that they're still the SOJ.
    tomdeb and CBG like this.
  6. ukjetsfan

    ukjetsfan Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2005
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    I don't know enough about Forte, but this does come across as a player who had a lackluster year looking to shift blame onto others. Maybe I'm being harsh and he's not that kind of player - like I said, I don't know much about him. And I'm no defender of Bowles. I think he looked totally out of his depth last year.
    zace, Yankjetfan and Mogriffjr like this.
  7. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Forte blaming everyone, Bowles and Gailey
    FJF likes this.
  8. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    One thing that doesn't make sense....

    If Bowles was the problem, and Bowles is still there, why would Forte be "pretty confident" that this year will be better?
    abyzmul, tiger8mush and Dom like this.
  9. My biggest issue w. Bowles is the complete lack of urgency.He's so matter of fact & wishy washy about everything. His locker room,team performance & game day management strategies were in absolute shambles by the end of last year. He acted like he was constipated rather than in cardiac arrest. Not saying he should've panicked or thrown any body under the bus...but he needed to show some sort of iron fist & strong will.If that's not who he is;Fine. Go back to being a defensive coordinator. But not for this team or this fan base.

    Since he's been here It almost seems like he's managing w. a built in excuse that the personnel isn't up to par. And while personnel is important so is strong management & organizational focus to overcome shortcomings. It's as if "Wait till we fix the roster then you'll see the REAL Todd Bowles"..

    3 years in,it doesn't work that way Todd. You play the hand you are dealt, give your best & hope that you either overcome it or you can provide the direction to improve things in due time.
    tomdeb and ColoradoContrails like this.
  10. They implied all off season by both their words & actions that they should be judged based on their draft. And while I thought they did well in terms of having a holistic plan, getting value & emphasizing intangibles...the fact remains that for 8th straight year and much longer but for acouple ill timed exceptionst they went w. A "Let's go defense early & worry about the offense next year". Now they made quite a few offensive picks later in the draft..but does any one of those selections give the Jets any type of offensive direction in which to build upon?

    In a scoring first league where defensive impact has become comparable to that of the NBA we are ass backwards still trying to build a super defense on paper, w. defensive heavy philosophies, strong defensive voices...and virtually no offensive infrastructure And somehow despite this, no coaching position has a shorter leash from the media, fan base & front office than the offensive coordinator.

    Are things really this ass backwards & clueless in Florham park??
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  11. pdxdrew

    pdxdrew Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I think we are now to the point where Bowles we'll have to live or die by his coaching ability. He did decent his first year but had a veteran team. His second year he kind of got a pass because the entire team ___ the bed. Now if he's a veteran head coach and should have enough experience to be able to keep us in games. If this team doesn't show any growth at all, my guess is we will be able to see within the first half of the season.
  12. twown

    twown Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    I think the key word is "Kotitean."

    You can say Ko-TIGHT-ian, but i say Ko-TISH-an, like a scholar. Gets me so much pussy.
    HomeoftheJets and NCJetsfan like this.
  13. Martin&theJETS

    Martin&theJETS Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    My IQ, at the age of 11, was twice as high as Toilet Bowl's IQ is today.
  14. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    The adjustments are the keys along with game managing, if none of those improve, he will be gone after this year.
    zace likes this.
  15. Glenn G

    Glenn G Member

    May 17, 2017
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    Good for Matt. The team needs to follow him.
    Honestly, I wish Richardson would shut the Hell up. If he played well, the he can talk.
  16. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    You can blame Bowles for the weather if you want but that doesn't change the fact that it's impossible to control guys like Marshall,Revis,and even Mangold.Theres a reason deeper then injury's that Mangold is no longer on the team.Guys like that create a negative enviorment for the hungry younger players trying to make it.
  17. Walt White

    Walt White Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    What are the odds that Sheldon will fuck up in some way? I'd take that bet.
    Let's see him do it on the field, and in the club house himself. Does he fancy himself a leader? Lol at that.
  18. FanSinceBIGShea

    FanSinceBIGShea Active Member

    Apr 24, 2017
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    I will agree wholeheartedly, Bowles has done nothing to distinguish himself as a competent HC at this juncture. The locker room last year was poisonous , his comments earlier this off season concerning accountability was dreadfully weak, and this is a huge year for him obviously.
  19. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Can you even imagine Bill Parcells (for those who can remember) if his team was playing this badly? HE WOULD HAVE CUT PLAYERS RIGHT ON THE FIELD. Slackers like Revis and Marshall would NEVER have seen mid-season. So your right, to see Bowles, arms crossed, staring blankly into space for 3 hrs every Sunday kills me.
  20. QBorbust

    QBorbust New Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    We are just hoping for some form of competence from Bwles. The better coaches in this league are aggressive forward thinking and consistently outsmart their opponents, that is not Bwles range of outcomes. He needs to go after this year, hopefully after he delivers us a glorious 2-14 stinker and locks down the number one pick.

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