We set a new record: 791 users online 1198 members were present online throughout the day 267 new threads were started these threads had 5965 posts :up: :up:
Plenty on Friday and Saturday but much less today.... We've also consumed about 174GB of bandwidth this month.
Wow.. That's freakin great Petro!! Nice thing was, we as Mods and Admins didn't have to drop the hammer every 5 minutes. Folks were civil for the most part.. Congrats to you all! Newbies, Oldtimers and Passersby!!!
That's awesome! I wasn't online either. I was glued to my TV watching the Jets reach on five of their last seven picks. At least the top three picks were good. GO GANG GREEN.COM!
I was only only on for a couple minutes but DAMN what a great day we had! :grin: TGG isn't only the best jets site, but it's the best football site PERIOD. Petro should just start an NFL site on it's own. That would be mad-awesome. :up:
If that's the case then maybe the Jets should look into making you an offer for the site...:beer: Like someone here already said, this is the premier site for Jets fans and looks like your getting your moneys worth from the new server.
Pretty impressive numbers. We shattered the most users ever online record and the board moved just as fast with 760+ users than a night with 80 users... Much props and lookin forward to the site updates in the near future
Nice stuff. Great work on the server Petro. I wonder how much this bandwidth is costing you. Jeez, I hope the ad clicks make up for it! (I'm going to make a habit of clicking ads at least a few times a day. It's only fair.)