Excited about the DivX /Xvid compatibility....can't wait to get home. Hopefully it doesn't brick my console.
Now you can stream your movies from your PC without using a third party software to convert the file first. 360 media center was only able to play .WMV .WMA files to my knowledge. Check this out also
Thanks I know what your talking about now. I used to have vids on my cpu which would'nt play on my 360.
Yeah, There was an app called transcode360 which I had to use to watch any form of vid other than wmv/ which is recorded HD in Mediacenter's format. It worked perfectly but now this eliminates the extra step & wait for buffering. The good is that it works for streaming & Datadisc so now all that pr0n you backed up it right @ your
This sounds interesting. I've streamed music to my 360 and I like that feature but I never tried any vids. What do I need to configure on my PC and 360 so it can play stream video?
For some reason I can get the 360 to stream video no problem.. but I can't get the music to work. It worked once, never again, Annoys me greatly.
What OS are you running? If its XP service pack can use WMP11, so I read. I use a app called "Windows media connect" from M$. However when I looked it up Microsoft isn't supporting it anymore.
I used to use Windows Media Connect, but I had some issues with it and I ended up uninstalling that and installing some Zune Software. I guess if I have no problems streaming music I just need to actually go home and try seeing how I can pull up vids from the 360. Does it search your cpu's hard drive for all compatible video's or do you have to specify a certain location for it to search?
Also, don't forget to share folders via the Media players config. Thre are a few extra steps for those who have a MCE Windows or Vista in order to get the folders to show up within the Media Center.
The Standard Music Playing Zune Software...even though I don't own a damn Zune .... I def'n need to play around with it to configure the folders I want the video to search from....looking forward to streaming all the crap I download so I can watch it on my t.v!