It's time we cough up our first round pick for him. He's better than any qb coming out of the first round, and he's got more experience and a better arm than any QB on our roster. Granted, he's a diva at times... Rex Ryan will fix that. All these defensive moves we're making are wonderful. But the offense will only go as far as the quarterback takes them. Right now, I have no confidence whatsoever that Kellen or Brett can do the job. You put Cutler in a huge market, behind an o-line like ours, with our runningback tandem and it just might take us to the next level. Throw our revamped defense into the equation and we could be talking going beyond the wild card round. It would be a bold move, but I'm hoping the Jets at least make an attempt to get this guy. The Broncos are listening to offers and if the price is right, we take him.
Cutler may be better than what we have now (odds are that he is), but is he worth what we'd have to give up to get him? He won't come cheap. I think he'll still be in a Bronco uniform next year
I´d give up our entire draft for a young Franchise-QB like Cutler. If they ask for our 1st, straight up, It´s a nobrainer, imo. The only concern would be his disease, but that´s what we pay doctors for.
I'm saying a first round pick would suffice. If we had to throw in a player as well, who can we afford to lose?
No way they take just a first rounder. 1st, 3rd and late round pick at least. The most I'm willing to give up is our First, Eric Smith and a bucket of used golf balls.
1st rd pick on Culter is worth it. At least he's a proven player. We could draft another bust at 17 I rather get a proven guy. We need a qb. Sanchez could be another Leinart. Only thing that scares me is his sickness.
We got no depth about anywhere right now, I can?t really think about a player, we could replace with another, ready to start. Maybe sign Barton again and throw them Harris and a 3rd (or 2nd). Can?t really think of anyone else we could afford to loose right now, and they might be interrested in.
I give a 1st, 3rd and 5th in a second. Offense immediately gets astronomically better. Throw Clemens or Ainge in there (keep ratliff as our backup). Draft WR in the second and we are good for a decade.
And one is assuming the situtation is dire due to some newspaper saying it is so. Because the newspapers don't need to sell anything.
What do you think about the 17th pick & Bryan Thomas (Denver is going to a 3-4) & a 7th round pick next year (we have 2 because of the Favre trade)
Didn't realize who Cutler's agent was. Don't know if it matters, but we have experience dealing with him, of course. Mike Klis, of The Denver Post, reports Denver Broncos head coach Josh McDaniels and QB Jay Cutler talked on the phone Monday, March 9, but things were not smoothed over for the disgruntled quarterback. Per a league source, Cutler left the conversation believing he will be traded by the Broncos between now and the NFL Draft if the team finds the right deal. The Broncos previously announced Cutler would not be traded. Cutler thought everything would be smoothed over during the call, but was reportedly told by McDaniels that no one is untradeable. The team told him they expect him to report for their offseason conditioning program, but, per a source, Cutler has not decided if he will report Monday, March 16.
The Jets need to give them anything they want. Trade their first for next three years and give them Revis, Harris, and Washington as well. I think this might be enough. Go get it done Tanny!
Assuming the roles were reversed... ...who here in their right mind would trade Cutler to the Broncos for the 17th pick in the first round and Clemens or Bryan Thomas? I sure as hell wouldn't. Josh McDaniels knows our team first-hand and he knows who sucks and who doesn't. If he's smart, he'll take our 1st and loot our defense. We've got nothing of value, period.
the irony here is....I could see McDaniels trading Cutler to the Jets...just to stick it to NWE for f*cking him out of Cassel.