I don't care as long as they can play. Who is that guy that is ALWAYS with revis? Has anyone ever seen revis with a woman? Just asking. Don't know if this subject has been talked about or not.
There shouldn't be a problem if somebody came out. However testosterone is out of control in the NFL (obviously) and so there probably would be. As to the original suggestion, that's a private matter one way or the other and getting involved with it is probably not appropriate.
Yeah, it would cause a problem in the locker room. On the other hand, from everything we hear, there are plenty of teams who know they have gay players and came to terms with it a while back. It just depends on the culture of the team.
Kerry Rhodes is already going through a public battle per say with an alleged ex of his who is pretty much exposing Kerry for being gay. Also rumors that Braylon is gay too...
I'm sure some players would be bothered by it but in the scheme of things it shouldn't be an issue, or at least not one that impacts the actual game we see on the field.
I thought of Revis as one of the players who could come out of the closet. However never thought of making a thread of it lol. I say their is a pretty good chance he is playing for the other side or even a switch hitter.
Football players are like the rest of us: most of them will have no problem, but the ones who do will make noise about it. I'd love to see a shift to where it was the homophobes who were scared of being outed, not the homosexuals.
Their play on the field is the only determing factor I go by. I just hope Mark doesn't come out in a last ditch effort to save his job by claiming discrimination if they try to cut him.
Revis is straight. Braylon and kerry Rhodes are the most Likely gay and theyre both ex Jets at this point.