I know everyone is calling for this guys head and his playcalling has definitely been questionable at times. But do you think he will be fired? After our rookie has gone through one year of this system do you think the Jets will be hesitant to implant a new system which could potentially set back Sanchez? Or do you think that Sanchez will not be set back at all by this? It's a question that has to be asked. I will not express my opinion in this post because I do not want to skew the results.
barring some weird offseason controversy, I think hes back for 1 more year. I started the year as a Schotty JR fan, yesterday was it for me. but I doubt hes canned after this year. itll be BS about him having a rookie QB. yet he completely regressed throughout the year. go fucking figure, Schotty is a little to blame. and either Cavanaugh has lost it, or theres too much manlove for Sanchez rookie or not. the only thing that calms me down is I remember what an interception machine Manning was when he was in our division to start his career. then again Tom Moore isnt here. He went from out-thinking himself to telegraphing all runs and passes.
I dunno, rex has to be frusterated with him, managing just 7 points against the falcons is pretty pretty pretty bad (larry david voice for all you curb fans)
Please god, please, please oh dear god. Please god, I beg you. Please have Brian Schottenheimer fired. I would support having Charlie Weis hired as our OC, it would add some great fuel to the NYJ / NE rivalry.
Its hard to tell what mistakes are Brian and which are Mark. Either Brian has too much confidence in Mark or Mark has too much all together. I think it is the latter. I have seen something in Mark I don't like. He makes the same mistake twice, sometimes three times. The way he played that last drive was incredibly disappointing.
i wouldnt mind weis or kubiak, but we all have to realize that shotty has worked with how many quarterbacks since becoming the o-coordinator? i believe that we have yet to see the full capability of this offense (because of the turnstyle at qb), which would allow us all to see whether we really like him and his system or not. personally i havent enjoyed what sanchez has audibled to on many occasions, and wonder who's fault these plays belong to?
Based on the situations he's put Sanchez in this season and the fact that Sanchez hasn't shown any improvement week to week i'd say NO DOUBT he'll be back.
this is my outlook also. sanchez has not shown improvement as the year went along like baltimore's rookie did last year. i don't think shotty is a ground and pound type offensive co. he's a throwing coordinator, hense why rex had to get more involved in the offense late in the season. that right there says shotty is not doing his job. he gets canned, woody will give rexy his type of offensive co. even though the jets lead the league in rushing, shotty throws the ball when the run game is running teams over. like baltimore last year, no need to run it until they had to. give the kid a year to get up to the speed of the game before putting the game in the qb's hands, which shotty does too often......
I voted no...entirely upon reality. Im with you..but I doubt it. I dont care how you look at Sanchez....when teams constantly play 8 men in the box AND YOU LEAD THE NFL IN RUSHING ANYWAY...there has to be something wrong with the system. Some were worried around here that we would only have schott for one more season..but I would love to see the team that looks at his resume and is dying to hire him now. If Ryan would step back from the situation and say "now me..being a defensive guru...how would I prep myself for this offensive scheme", he would be fired the day after the season ended. The problem with new coaches is they believe they can "fix" what ills certain OC's or DC"s (remember Herms press conferences? Yes I talked to Hackett..and he gets it now?) What Ryan should remember is that behind every great coach in history was a great staff. BB doesnt get all his rings without Charlie. Parcells did nothing after BB. The list of great HC's with great staffs is long and true. Average ones can bring you down the toilet if you decide to stay loyal to them for too long.
You're right on this. Schotty is a bad fit for this team and a bad fit for a bad weather team in general. He belongs in San Diego or a domed environment. The flaw that many people have pointed out in his schemes is the tendency to park two receivers close in space or vector to each other. In theory this reduces the number of reads that the QB has to make and also forces zone defenders to make tough choices on a consistent basis. In practice it just makes the QB throw more interceptions because when there are multiple receivers in close proximity there are also multiple defenders there and if you give the QB fewer options to throw the ball too he's going to be forced to pick questionable ones more often.