Like the first poster said: "They already have a spread QB who can’t command a huddle or read NFL defenses…Jesters are too funny.."
Its due diligence at this point. MM will go number 2. TEN won the "we get to rape whatever sucker team wants this bust" sweepstakes.
What's to discuss? Winston won't be available and neither will Mariota unless we trade up. Tampa needs a QB. Tennessee needs a QB. Washington needs a QB (Let's face it, RGIII has probably been ruined by piss poor management). Oakland needs a QB (Carr will never be the answer for them). Two of those are super desperate for a QB and there's other teams who want Mariota as much as we do.
Are you serious about Carr or just joking? Please tell me your joking. Washington needs a secondary more than anything. Colt McCoy is a stop Gap as of now. Tennessee may stick with Mettenberger or maybe not. That's the only real threat to take Mariota
I would take Hundley in the third round.. Let him sit for a couple years and see if he can become something. Only winston is an immediate caliber starting plAyer, after him all qbs are the same Mariota included. Project players
There really should be a "Quiz" you have to take before you make a thread on here.Like 40 questions and you need to get atleast 39 right to make the thread
If Oakland is stupid enough to go after a QB in round 1, then the Jets need to trade for Carr.... Just sayin.. But if we aren't going to get MM at 6 (no, I don't sell the farm to move up) You wait and go get Petty or Mannion!
Oakland needs a QB? They can take Jets 6 straight up for Derek Carr. I'd do that in a heartbeat. I really hope they draft Mariota and trade Carr to the Jets.
Did you watch his tape? Carr was perfectly capable. He was the 2nd best rookie after Bridgewater, honestly. That isn't saying much but I would bet any amount of money that the Raiders will not pick Mariota in the draft.
He sucks too. This may very well be a season where there is no above-average NFL starter in the draft.