Ha Ha, woo, Bills friends are at work. Looks like even the Phins are going to whoop us as well as the soon to be Canadians Which team will win the AFC East in 2008? Bills 9% Dolphins 10% Jets 7% Patriots 74% Total Votes: 40923 http://www.nfl.com/
Unless we become perennial playoff contenders, we're never going to garner any respect around the league. We'll always be the "weak ass Jets" to everyone.
The real threat next season is going to be the Bills. The Pats are at some time going to be on the way down, next season? Maybes. But I think think the Bills look really good.
i agree, that team is starting to look good- i think once they are completely healthy they will come closer than we will. That team's time in obscurity could be over.
The Bills have the sae problem as us. Not having a proven QB. If Trent Edwards doesen't pan out there back down to square one.
the bills wont be a threat next season, they won 7 games last season, 2 against us and 2 against the doplhins, you do the math, there coach and qb sucks!
I kinda agree here. The Bills just never turn the corner. No reason to believe that next season will be the one that they finally do.
That just tells you who votes in polls about NFL divisions: about 50% of the people who voted were AFC East team fans and 50% were not. The 50% of AFC East fans were split between people who voted for their team and the Patriots and the 50% who were not all voted Patriots.
All this poll means is that more Bills and Phins fans voted then Jets fans. The other 74% dont have their heads up their asses....