I like #1. Also, and this is subjective, but I wouldn't do the "squeeze" on the players. Simply go with their actual ratio, even if you lose part of the render.
i have also found out that what i see and what other people see are different becuase im on a laptop and the resoloution of the screen is diff i need to find a plugin for my video card so the images look better
If you're using Photoshop, hold down the shift key while resizing an image. It will keep the height x width ratio the same. Actually I'm pretty sure all digital imaging progams work that way.
thanks i was wonderin why no one likes number one is there anything i can do to make it look better or is there to much goin on wats wrogn with it
I'm guessing you mean #2 since almost everyone voted for #1. I like #2, but the problem, for me, is that the colors are too bright. If you were to darken the colors a little bit, it would look alot better, imo. But as they stand now, #1 is my favorite
well on my comp its not that bright but i know when i look at alot of my work on a comp at my school everything is brighter anyone know how if i can get a plugin for my comp i know its partially because its a laptop but my gaming looks fine... hmmm thanks on the input
wow i just looked at these from a different comp and they arent anywhere as good as i thought they were sorry if i wasted ur time