Alright guys, fun survey! If we HAD to bring back one of these former head coaches to run the rebuild w/ Joe Douglas, who do you get back here? Curious of your reasoning to--I will leave out Parcells because I think he would skew this poll too much.
I went Mangini for the following reasons: 1) He built the team well with the right kind of talent 2) We had success under him, very early in his career 3) He seemed to build a decent staff 4) He's level headed, didn't attract too much drama
Not that I want to go down this road at all, for the sake of the exercise, I'd say have Mangini working in the front office with Rex as the HC. Rex did a pretty good job of taking Mangini's players to the playoffs twice. It was only after he got to put his own stamp on things that it really started to head south.
I would take Kotite as he had the blueprint for the team rebuild and Gase is just following the script.