We have had several conditional trades as well as compensatory draft picks coming our way. While we have a good thought on our standard picks, we really could have anywhere from 3-5 additional picks which could easily end up spread in several different rounds. Any idea when we can expect to know when we will find out exactly where ALL of our picks lie for this upcoming draft ? It really could give us ammunition to completely rebuild this team (where needed) in one single year
Last week of March is usually when Comp picks are announced during the winter NFL meeting, March 25-28.
Going through the transactions for this year I see the following. Traded WR Derrick Mason to Houston for an undisclosed draft pick - Terms not met. Traded DB Dwight Lowery to Jacksonville Jaguars for an undisclosed conditional draft choice - Anyone know the terms of this one? Acquired G Caleb Schlauderaff from Green Bay for an undisclosed conditional draft choice - Anyone know the terms of this one? Found a few comp picks here too that could possibly happen. http://www.mockingthedraft.com/2012/1/6/2686334/2012-compensatory-draft-pick-predictions Shaun Ellis - Maybe a 5th or 6th? Brad Smith - 6th? Braylon Edwards - 7th? Drew Coleman - 7th?
Hmm going off that guys chart ellis and smith COULD possibly both be 5hs. So hypothetically we could have 4 5h rounders, but we also could only have 1. Hate the way comps are awarded
I would probably say: 5th for Brad Smith 5th for Dwight Lowery 6th for Shaun Ellis 7th for Braylon Thats what Im thinking. Another 4 picks should help out our depth.