What the hell is wrong with some Jet fans?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TampaBayJetsFan85, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    I've seen post on this site today that has made me put my head down as a Jets fan...We just went and got a Defensive genious as our next head coach in Rex Ryan who runs a tough 3-4 Defense and now I see Jet fans willing to give up players on the defensive side of the ball like David Harris, Revis or Rhodes (Plus draft picks) for a QB in Cutler who has yet to win shit? Are you kidding me?

    Revis has the potential to be the next Champ Bailey for our secondary, he has the potential to be a "Shut down" Corner because he's ALREADY proven that he's a "Lock Down" CB after only two seasons of play. How many CB's are considered as being a top 5 talent @ the NFL level after ONLY two seasons of play? I cant think of any as of right now, other than...Revis and something tells me this guy is only going to get better with more experience. Put it this way...We need a CB like Revis to guard WR's in the East such as Moss and T.O

    If we traded a player like...David Harris, then what was the point of going after Bart Scott? Together...David Harris and Bart Scott can be one of the best 1-2 Combo's in the league @ MLB for our 3-4 Defense under Rex Ryan. Put those two guys behind Kris Jenkins and watch out because they can lead the middle of our Defense for years to come. When we drafted David Harris, many of draft experts said this guy was the best 3-4 IMLB in the country and as a rookie...David Harris came in and had games with 20+ tackles and has really became the leader of this Defense and just like Revis...After only two seasons of play, this guy is already considered a top 3-4 IMLB who will only continue to get better over the years.

    I even seen Jet fans calling for a trade of Kerry Rhodes which is like the Colts trading Bob Sanders, the Ravens trading Ed Reed, the Eagles trading away a Brian Dawkins while in his prime, or even the Steelers trading away Troy Polamalu for a QB with "Potential"...That kinda stuff doesnt JUST happen, you dont trade away an elite player who's turning into a team leader...You just dont do it. Kerry Rhodes is an elite Safety, he's a special type of talent and I have a feeling that Rex Ryan will use Kerry Rhodes in the same types of ways that he uses Ed Reed in Baltimore and one thing about Kerry Rhodes...He's a ball hawking playmaker and those types of Safetys are rare and I'm just excited to know that the Jets have an elite Safety in Rhodes.

    All in all, I was really upset to see Jet fans willing to give up players like Rhodes, Revis and Harris (Plus draft picks) for a QB in Cutler who has yet to win anything @ the NFL level, a QB in Cutler who has yet to lead his team to the playoffs and a QB in Cutler who has a career losing record as a starting QB after two + seasons as a starter. Yeah, Cutler has a "Strong Arm" and thats what Jet fans are in LOVE with...His "Strong arm" but you know what? He's not the 1st QB to get drafted into the NFL with a strong arm and he wont be the last gun slinger drafted.

    Since when was Cutler the next coming of Joe Montana? Cant we atleast give Kellen or Ratliff a chance to win behind a Strong O-Line, Tough rushing attack along with a solid 3-4 Defense before we go trading the farm for a QB like Cutler who has "Potential"?

    All in all...I just couldnt believe some of the posts I was reading, I just couldnt understand some of these Jet fans around here.
  2. RevisCB

    RevisCB New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    TBJF.......that post has made up for some ridiculous ones i have seen today, it makes perfect sense to keep our defensive players, for our defensive coach. Post of the day right there

  3. JetsFan

    JetsFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Not Harris!

    And sure as not Revis!!!!

    Rhodes has regressed the last two years and Cutler is ready to blossom!

    Rhodes plus a draft pick is very reasonable. Teach him to keep his mouth shut!
  4. RevisCB

    RevisCB New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    Most safeties would of regressed playing with Eric Smith.

    He now has a safety who will sit do the messy work, and allow Kerry to do what he does best. This defense is a top 5 defense because it is a good unit, take one of them out and there is a ripple effect through the whole defense.
  5. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    What does any of this have to do with Jay Cutler?!
  6. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    No what the hell is wrong with you? You're trying to tell me any single defensive player on our team could have more of an impact than an all-pro QB? Have you seen this franchise in the last 40 years? We've done fuckall because since Namath we've had nothing but trash taking snaps. Wake the fuck up. Yes we all love Revis, Harris and Rhodes they are great players, but you are a FOOL if you do not realize a young all-pro QB could make us contenders for the next 8 years.

    The ideal scenario is to get Cutler for a boatload of picks and one of the QBs on our roster, but unfortunately to get goods you must give up goods like Revis or Harris.... Such is life.
  7. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    It's sad when you see Jet fans willing to give up defensive leaders like Harris, Revis or Rhodes (Plus draft picks) for a QB in Cutler who has "Potential", a QB in Cutler who has yet to win shit @ the NFL level and a QB in Cutler who has a career losing record with no trips to the playoffs after 2+ years as a starter.

    It's just sad when you see threads about trading away corner stone defensive players and leaders on the field as well as in the locker room.
  8. JetsFan

    JetsFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Just Rhodes, not Harris or Revis.
  9. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    I agree completely--The only "big name" I would package with our first round pick is Thomas Jones (Leon is ready). If not enuf for the Broncs, walk away and be glad.
  10. Killeri9590

    Killeri9590 Banned

    Oct 6, 2008
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    NO way do we get rid of Rhodes and especally Revis

    Harris i'd be CONTENT with
  11. Exit 117

    Exit 117 Active Member

    Dec 13, 2004
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    Then you should have posted it in another Cutler thread.
  12. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    And your a fool if you dont realize that Defense Wins Championships and a top 5 Defense can turn a team into top contenders for years to come.

    Since when was Jay Cutler the next coming of Favre or Montana? Oh yeah, I forgot...He has a strong arm with "Potential"

    Until we give Kellen a chance behind a top O-Line, strong running game along with a tough Defense...I'm against trading for a QB like Cutler.

    And I'm sorry, a QB with a losing record after two + seasons with zero trips to the playoffs is FAR from an "All-Pro" QB in my eyes. QB's are judged on Winning and losing and as of right now...Cutler has had a losing career after two plus seasons as a starter.
  13. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    a boatload of picks for a QB with a bad attitude who pouts? Pass--Our number 1 and Thomas Jones--that's about it--the jets have traded too many picks in recent years and it shows.
  14. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    I could easily tear TBJF a new one for this post...but i'll take the high road today and say only this.

    To acquire elite talent, you will have to give up elite talent. That is the nature of the beast.

    A franchise QB will trump any player on our roster....bottom line.

    Do you think Belichick would put any of his defensive players before a "healthy" Tom Brady?? Not a fucking chance.
  15. zoobooz

    zoobooz Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    Did you really just compare Jay Cutler to Tom Brady? Seriously?
  16. Jet21

    Jet21 New Member

    Jan 15, 2009
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    TBJF, I've disagreed with a couple of your post's, but I absolutely agree with this post. I'm usually pretty quick to respond back and ask the logic of posts, but today there was an abundance of horrible posts that made no sense from a GM standpoint, nor a Rex Ryan standpoint. Hypothetical trade situations backed up ridiculous logic really gave me a headache today.
  17. greenbeanz

    greenbeanz Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2007
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    oh man this is so true. and also i dont think being an all pro who threw for 4500 and 25 tds last year is doing shit. especially on a piss poor team.
  18. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Where is this top 5 defense you speak of? We have a 16th ranked defense as of today.... Since when is Davis Harris the next coming of Mike Singletary? Since when is Kerry Rhodes the next coming of Ronnie Lott? You catch my drift? You are speculating that a defense which has the POTENTIAL to be good will take us further than a QB who has already proven he can carve up an NFL defense.

    Yeah defense wins championships... in 1985, 2000 and 2002. Nine times out of ten the winner has an upper echelon pivot leading them to glory. To get to the fuckin playoffs annually you need a QB. We haven't won a title in 40 years because we haven't had an all-pro QB in 40 years. Do the math.
    #18 Jake, Apr 1, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009
  19. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    well...they don't have the same "haircut", if that's what you're asking......however, they are both franchise QB's to their respective teams.
  20. Jet21

    Jet21 New Member

    Jan 15, 2009
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    To acquire elite talent , you will have to give up elite talent? What about building from the draft? and signing key free agents? If you give up talent, to acquire them, are you not just running in circles? I believe, Bill Belichick acquired Tom Brady through assessing his potential in the draft, and working with him. He didn't compromise the talent and Veteren's on his defense.

    Also, with the comparison to Jay Cutler and Tom Brady, when Jay Cutler win's the bronco's , or any team for that matter numerous super bowls in a short amount of time, then maybe I will understand the logic of comparison. However, for the comparison debate, they're both franchise quarterbacks on completely different levels, who have a drastic difference in accomplishments.
    #20 Jet21, Apr 1, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009

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