I'm sure all you ticket holders will be there every sunday of course but for us out of staters or non ticket holders what Home or away games to plan on attending? Preseason or regular. I might get at that Eagles preseason game. :eaglessuck: Other than that I plan on getting some tickets to see either the Fins, Pats, or Raiders this year.
I will be going to the TB/Jets preseason and The Jets / Jags game....I hope to make it up to NY for the Houston game.
since im in VA, I only will be going to Jets-Skins preseason, but I will be only 10 rows behind the Jets bench
Man I hope that's a victory. Sure would be sweet for you. The Jags have been busting our balls for years now.
Goin to my 1st ever Jets game this year. October 22nd against the Lions...Cannot wait. Also will probably going to the Bucs/Jets pre-season game.
I'll be going to the Yankees/Bluejays on the last day of Sept (hopefully that game is for a playoff spot) Then Sunday Oct 1st Colts/Jets(hopefully our defence can contain Manning & crew) then Monday Night Green Bay at Philly ( I just hope it's a good game)
That's awesome Cinvis. I used to have a friend who is a Packers fan that I hate now. I hope to god that we stick it to them up on the tundra so bad.
I will probably go to the Indy vs Jets game, Houston vs Jets game, and Chicago vs Jets game. It could be more could be less.
I am goin to Buffalo and Cleveland.....we're gonna dominate those Browns now that the pussy LeCharles Bentley is out for the season with a sore knee....
I have tickets that I manage I can goto every game but I dont. I have 5 tickets and a group of folks. I got these games 1. Opening day. I never not got opening day. Plus I havent been to a pats game in a while its just be to depressing to watch them beat my team 2. Miami every year 3. Houston is on my brithday 4. Buffalo 5. I might goto the raiders game. I doubt this game will have any meaing but it is jets/raiders on nye which should something to see. I would catch a bus into the city for moe at radio city