I was kinda looking forward to seeing the Raiders in blue unis... NOT After watching several TNF's, I'm a bit pissed that the Jets and Bills had to look like f'n christmas elves when we played. It was a bad idea and I'm wondering who was the author of this fiasco. Was the NFL looking at a new avenue for swag sales? Did Nike actually insist on pimping their horrific new unis and this was some trial balloon to see just how these new unis would be received... This was a poorly planned idea not well thought out. They didn't take into account the fans who were colorblind or the fans who have a long history with a team and its colors. Suddenly, you hear nothing about "Color Rush" anymore and I for one am happy about it. If and when the Jets go with a new uni, the only takeaway I can see from color rush was the Helmets. They can burn the rest of it. Just Asking The Question...
It's funny that of all the teams that were forced to participate in chromatic rush, all of the slap dick lower tier teams had to dress up like circus clowns: Jets, Bills, Jags, Titans, Panthers and finally Rams and Bucs. The one team with the balls to put its foot down--the Cowboys--wore all white. No garish colors, not gimmicky bs. _
I wondered the same thing. I also wondered why they keep dropping then adding back cbs. Sent from my KFASWI using Tapatalk
I thought the jets vs. bills looked fine. I think your an old fuck and kids today don't give a bit of a damn about your opinion. who really cares though? there is so many worse things going on with the nfl, they can dress them up like that and I have no problem with it. doesn't matter. its better than the falcons uniforms anyway. uniforms went down the shitter when the broncos changed to those cornball pants they wear.
I think it was a 4 week thing. kind of like the stupid wear pink in October campaign they use to dupe people every year.
Thursday night football should be saved for thanksgiving and maybe one or two other games. every week is a disaster.
I like both of those, minus tampas stupid numbers. i also liked the jets and the bills. not to the point that i would want to see them every week but i think its a nice little thing they did for a few games. id take color rush over the pink bullshit any day.
The Packers game ended on a Hail Mary last week and the Cardinals won with a strip sack last night. So not completely terrible.
I am not referring to the quality of the games. It's the whole mechanics of the thing that really bothers me with teams having to play on 3 days rest and then having 10 days off. it's really not good for the players imo and teams can get screwed real hard at times. It also over saturates the amount of football imo. Having all the games on Sunday and one on Monday was a nice end of weekend/beginning of week thing to look forward to. Now it just seems like it's on all the time and it's just another day.
Jerseys looked better than that dirty green two shade shit we have now. Kelly Green Jerseys and White pants , now that is what we need to change to. Nike should just stick to shoes.
Color blind people do. There's 8% of color blind males and .5% females who would watch that game and not be able to tell what team was what. And before you say that's too small a percentage, there's only about a 2.2% reported population of Jews in this country, far less than the color blind.
I was busting cmans old man balls. its simple make one of them paint their helmets dark. boom all set.