Wasn't Sutton like a defensive assistant here for 6 years before Mangini? LB's coach? Nobody ever mentioned him. maybe he rose to his level of incompetence and can be rehabbed by demoting him back to the position he excelled in
He should be the 1st to go I want them to keep Westoff & I can live with them keeping Schotty BUT SUTTON MUST GO & TAKE HIS PREVENT D WITH HIM
House cleaning time!!!!! Out with the old and in with the New. If this guy sticks, I will officially know that Mangini was thrown to the wolves by his dear friend Tannenbaum. Coordinators usually go before the coach does, so this may be an indication that the "He tied my hands defense" is in use and working on our retarded front office.
This is what I would like to see Rex Ryan do to most of the Jets coaching staff (figuratively that is) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7KHZ4b5qdQ
That means nothing. If he doesn't want to stay he is gone. It Ryan doesn't want him he is gone. That only talks about his contract which is meaningless now.
Besides, his prevent defense never prevented anything...left Moss in single coverage? He should have been relieved of his services the following Tuesday!
On SNY there are saying Shotty is staying as OC and Pettine probably will be hired as DC. No mention if Sutton gets demoted to another position or just booted out the door. No mention of Westhoff either.