Don't look for John Idzik to bring former special teams coach Mike Westhoff back soon. Westhoff recently blasted the jets for badly screwing up the CB position and not getting help at WR last offseason. He even labeled 3rd round "steal" (according to Rex Ryan) Dexter McDougle as an undersized "twerp" and a major reach for the jets in the 3rd round. It also didn't help that McDougle was injured in high school, twice in college and missed almost his entire senior year of the college football season. Sorry, Calvin Pryor hasn't been looking very good either and seems to always take the wrong angle to the play.The 2014 jets draft is in the running for the worst draft in jets history, save the Bradway debacle of trading two number one picks and a 4th round pick for that toad DeWayne Robertson. But let's keep Rex/Idzik /Bradway around, right? So many people on this board still think Rex is a genius.
I'm cool with that.. Westhoff would have said it to his face, on the field. Thats the type of guy he is..holds his tongue for nobody... and he is one of the best special teams coaches i've known.. So he can talk his shit... we sucked since he left. He made Justin Miller look good ! lmao
Heh, what kind of drugs are you on? If just Amaro alone plays like he has been and continues to develop, it will already be better than not one but two drafts in the previous 6 years under Rex and Tanenbaum, where we got something like Sanchez+Greene and Kyle Wilson+Vlad Ducasse. And that's just the last 6 years. I am sure the Jets had much worse ones before.
This is probably in the running for worst thread ever created. And there's been some bad ones lately.
Remember when we used to have the cesspool thread to dump all the horrible threads that were made. i miss that
I don't understand why the OP is being criticized here. Yes, the assertion of worst draft ever is somewhat debatable, at least at this point. But I do think the main point of the OP, that speculation about bringing Westoff to be the HC replacing Ryan is something we can count on Idzik NOT doing, is a very good one based on Westoff's criticisms of the FO's moves. Where's the problem with that?
Like there was a chance in hell Westhoff was ever coming back. This is now the second regime in the FO that he's been harshly critical of since he left. Mike Westhoff ain't limping through that door, folks. Which is a shame, because he's been right in his criticisms and his unit always appeared prepared to execute a game plan as though they actually practiced it during the week.
idzik fans out in strength... forget drafting mcdougle explain the 7 cut players... i have been waiting for the reason for 2 weeks now
The guy is legitimately injured so why is he a twerp. And as for Pryor. He was highly rated coming out of college so let's give him a chance. He's only played half of a season and on a team with big time D problems. And as for the receivers. Harvin looks pretty darn good now doesn't he Mike. He wasn't available earlier in the season but when he was the Jets got him. And at a good price. The bottom line is Mike: you don't know what you're talking about.
Calling a guy whose never played a regular season snap for you a twerp is kind of comical. Bad job by Westhoff. It's not McDougle's fault he's hurt.
7 cut players? hm, it might seem like there were seven cuts, but thats a huge exaggeration, boyd, saunders and dixon were cut, the others either got hurt (Evans, McDougle) are in depth roles (Dozeir, Enemkpali, Reilly) or were put onto the practice squad. its a shame we didn't get any other day 1 contributors outside of the top two, but then realistically, not many were gonna to start begin with anyway. we'll see if evans, mcdougle and dozier can come into some more relevant roles next year.
Another thing Idzik was accused of. That he was forcing Rex to use players he drafted. Well if that's the case and he's only interested in his own guys (so he can look good, but in his case bad): then why has he cut so many guys he drafted. At least he's admitting they were wrong. Plus he selected 12 guys this past draft: no way most of them are making the active roster.
That is a familiar phrase for Westoff. I met him a couple of years ago and was just bullshitting with him and I threw out an off the cuff comment expecting a canned answer. Asked him what he thought of Joe McNight (this was probably his rookie or 2nd year). Said "he's a twerp, he's got a lot to learn about playing in this league". No filter on that dude. _
Completely with you. Well, Almost. I have to say that I like Idzik and his approach, or his 'stated' approach, of building through the draft. But there can be no doubt that the drafts have been subpar and the McDougle pick was head-scratching based simply on lack of demand. We know Idzik is responsible for the McD pick, but I want to know who in the draft room was pushing for him.
McD could end up a good player. There was a definite need obviously at corner. Most draft experts thought he was a 5th rounder. It was a part of their plan, a plan that hasn't worked and could get Idzik fired. But at least he has a plan.