I was wondering if there was anyone on here that could make me a wallpaper. I don't care when its done and you can take your time with it if you want. What I want is. Coles on the left side and Cotchery on the right side with a faded picture of chad pennington throwing the ball in the middle. Thanks alot for anyone that does this.
anyone??.. its no big deal if no1 wants to do it.. i just put it to the top one more time and see if i get any responses
weird screen size... i'll work on it though does it really matter if Coles is on the left or right? (same with Cotchery)
i know.. its just one up from the 1024 by 768..... you can make it that size if you want and i can just stretch it to fit the screen.. thanks though
http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/1271/backgroundlo7.jpg there ya go... I'm not that good at wallpapers, so if you dont like it I'm not offended