Wholly Chit, man!! hmy: ========= Profootballtalk.com A league source tells us that there's a rumor making the rounds at the combine that Texas quarterback Vince Young scored a miserably horrible six on the Wonderlic test. A six! That's bad. It's beyond bad. In fact, it's the lowest score that we can ever remember hearing anyone getting. All incoming NFL players take a 50-question version of the Wonderlic, with a 12-minute window within which to finish it. We found 15 sample Wonderlic questions on ESPN.com's page 2*, including such brain-benders as selecting the ninth month of the year from among five possible choices. We'd like to think that most people of average intelligence could get at least six of the 15 sample questions right. Getting a total of only six out of a total of 50 questions of that same kind is pa-freakin'-thetic. For a guy who's going to be called upon to read defenses and call audibles and work through a progression of receivers against NFL-caliber opposition, it's downright scary. The source tells us that he hasn't seen the result in writing yet, but that he's "99 percent" certain that Young's score was six. Said the source, who knows a thing or two about evaluating college players: "I predict he'll fall all the way out of the first round." That's a bold statement, and we're not saying that we agree with it -- primarily because our guess is that there's someone almost dumb enough to get a six on the Wonderlic, who'll overlook Young's low score along with any other concerns that might come to light over the next two months. http://www.profootballtalk.com/rumormill.htm
If this is true, we just lost Jay Cutler ... he's heading to Tennessee No way any team would invest a TOP 5 Pick on a functional illiterate, and that's what you would have to be to score a 6 or 7 on the wonderlic Unless the Titans opt for Brick Ferguson or Mario Williams, or some other NON QB, we can scratch Jay Cutler ... if they want a QB and Leinart goes #2, they will only select Cutler if this is true Vince Young will not even be an option .. no way you take an NFL Playbook {which is the size of some phone books} and hand it to a functional illiterate, and no way do you invest a TOP 5 Pick {and a kings ransom} on that player JMO
No way this can be true...can it? I'm sure someone would've noticed it by now if he was that dumb. Seriously, if you're a functional illiterate, you'd even have trouble finding your way around campus.
It's not a given that the Titans take Cutler at #3. It's not even a given that they'll draft at #3. Of course if they trade out of #3, it would likely be to a team that wants Cutler. If this is true, I'd say it's a 40/60 shot that they take Cutler. I think they'd lean more towards the surer thing (Ferguson).
There is a difference between being able to take a test and being able to read a defense. I actually have taken the wonderlic test and it was a pathetically easy test, but if you are the type of student who needs to take your time on a test, I can see where you can get rattled and make mistakes because you have such a small time frame in which to take it. I think this is a minor deal and because nothing else is going on right now it is big news but once he and the other players start working out, no one will care because they know what he can do on the field regardless of what some test based on random everyday questions says.
No.... and NO. That is an incredibly easy test. A six MEANS you CANNOT absorb and/or execute an NFL playbook. Take the sample test and tell me otherwise. http://espn.go.com/page2/s/closer/020228test.html
I agree it is an easy test, I have taken the full test in a timed environment, I don't need to look at some samples. All I'm saying is that some people just get certain things whether it be math, music or football and some test about random things does not determine whether or not Vince Young will succeed in the NFL. EDIT: After re-reading your post, I dont even know what you are getting worked up about. There is no connection between doing that test and learning a playbook. Absolutely none. And, you'd think he would have had trouble at Texas if he was mentally retarded as some of you are presupposing. Maybe he didnt take it serious. Maybe he has ADD and couldnt concentrate in the timed environment, but the dude can play and that is something not shown on the test.
Noticable low scores from QBs Marino, Dan 1983 Pittsburgh 14 Cunningham, Randall 1985 UNLV 15 McNair, Steve 1995 Alcorn State 15 McNabb, Donovan 1999 Syracuse 16, 12 Culpepper, Daunte 1999 Central Fla. 18, 21, 15 Now compare with these QBs Krenzel, Craig 2004 Ohio State 38 Henson, Drew 2003 Michigan 42 Kingsbury, Kliff 2003 Texas Tech 31 Harrington, Joey 2002 Oregon 32 Ramsey, Patrick 2002 Tulane 32 Carter, Quincy 2001 Georgia 30 Collins, Kerry 1995 Penn State 30 Part of the reason we passed on Marino was because of this stupid test, it tells me nothing about QBs
This is a bs sample. Both Mannings scored extremely well as did Brady, both Hasselbecks, Trent Green and Rothsberger. We passed on Marino because the rumor was he had a drug problem.
I really don't care how many logic problems and math problems he can do in eleven minutes. He has some of the best football instincts for a player in college that many have ever seen.
There's a difference between logic and math problems and knowing what the ninth month of the year is. If you can't answer all of those questions on that test then you're a friggin' vegetable.
Have you ever seen some of the questions or sample questions? They had them on ESPN and they are logic questions. If they are so easy why doesn't everyone pull a Ryan Fitzpatrick?
He could be a carrier of the plague but I wouldnt mind if we had Vince Young leading the Green and White.
That would be true if we were talking about a RB, which is largely an INSTINCTS POSITION But a QB has to learn and memorize the entire playbook, and an NFL playbook is like a phone book ... for a QB in the NFL to be a functional illiterate it would be virtually impossible for him to succeed
And the highest scorers were nobodies, so would you perfer Drew Henson who scored a 42 over a Brady, because he scores higher? Or Bollinger over Palmer and Leftwich? It is because of crap like this we passed on Marino Also the reason why I used that example is because it has shown that good QBs can get very low scores
I know none of you guys like NASCAR... but Dale Jr. is one of the best guys in the sport but he's no smarter then a tree stump. If you ever listen to one of his interviews he just can't speak 2 sentences without having a major grammatical error in one. He is one of the best guys in the sport because he knows one thing: racing. Vince Young doesn't need to read or know math to be a pro NFL QB. He has the attributes to be a winning version of Michael Vick and if every team in this league had their choice of a stupid SB winning QB or a very smart mediocre QB they'd take the stupid one without question. This is the NFL not the Ivy League... brains are not required.
This is freaking football we are talking about, its not exactly rocket science. As long as he can read the plays on the playbook, he should be fine.