Just cleared it. It's probably in the top 3 games I have ever played. The graphics are better than any I have ever seen, and the voice acting and the score are damn near movie quality. If you have a PS3, you have to play this game if you want to see the cutting edge of what the system can do. It's better looking than MGS4....I loved it....awesome awesome game.
I might be getting a PS3 soon and this is one game I'm convinced I have to pick up. I've heard nothing but amazing things.
Played part one. Waiting till Christmas for part two. If it is as good as the first one I will be happy.
This was the first game that I got with my PS3. It is f'ng awesome. I just wish that it was a bit longer.
I haven't played the first one, heard it sucked. However I have heard amazing things about the second one. Can I just pickup the second one and be good to go? Or do I HAVE to play the first to really get the full effect of the second?
I didnt play the first either. The learning curve isnt too difficult as the first couple of chapters teach you everything you need to know for the game. Go get this.
I didn't think the first one sucked at all....not sure why people would say that. They're both awesome...they've just completely outdone themselves and everyone else this time.