I cannot believe they don't catch this stuff before they release a game to millions of people. Go to New Features and Controls and read the thing about Spotlighting a Receiver. The very bottom line says "Paying to much attention to one receiver may leave someone else open" It should be TOO! geez...
I can read and I know grammar.....I was looking at the new controls and features so I can start to use them, and it was right there in front of me, not really that hard to catch if you know what's correct and what isn't.
you have to love video game grammar. playing Virtua Tennis 3, the game attempted to compliment my progress by telling me how much I have "learnt." at least that has the excuse of being made by a Japanese company I suppose, but EA is based right here in SoCal. we still use too out here, at least those of use who still speak English.
Is there a movement I don't know about to make "to" the word all the time and do away with "too" or is it just a matter of English speaking people no longer understanding how to use their language?
I seem to only see this in American things. For some reason, there seems to be a higher level of spelling in England and over here. Mabey that's just lazyness on the US's part. And i'm not talking about words that are intentionally spelt different between our countries either.
That annoys me too. I mean, the guy did lose some weight, but the Madden version of Mangini looks nothing like the real life one.
Weren't they based in Tiburon (Northern California for those who are not familiar) at one time? I haven't played the game much recently, and therefore hadn't heard they moved the office.
Something else that's kind of weird is that after I released Culpepper from the Fins and added him to the Raiders, I CAN'T give him the no. 8 for some reason.
EA is based in Redwood City, off of the Holly Exit via Redwood Shores ( Highway 101) on the left hand side of the road....approx 30 minutes from my house.... couldnt be more NOR CAL
Yea Mangini looks like an ex-marine in a polo Jets shirt. It could be Sam Fisher from the fourth splinter cell standing there on the sidelines coaching the Jets.