Money's a little tight this year, we have 9 tickets as a family but will only be using 7. Not selling the rights, but two seats for all 10 Jets home games. Section 337 - Row 37 Sounds like it's a mile away, but it's the top row and the real fans up with us stand on their seats all game! Looking for face value on the tickets $70 x 2 seats x 10 games = $1400 PM me if interested.
Bumpity Bump - we have tickets in hand. Best offer. Unfortunately, we don't have a spare parking pass.
I have 2 adjacent seats for all 10 games. Could also throw in rights to playoff tickets for them too.
did u sell any of the tix? i have to ask one of my friends who was interested.. let me kno if u sold the block yet..
i wanna try and buy 2.. but i have to wait and see if i get this job.. i have seasons myself.. but i have to give games away.. so id rather get another 2.. so i can go to all the games. sux with the parkin pass tho.. i will let u kno asap.. but friday..