With the Law Firm to CIN, Lynch back to SEA and Hillis to KC are we more likely to get him without trading up?
Draft Trek has him going to Cleveland. http://drafttek.com/CMDRound1.asp Walterfootball.com has him to Tampa Bay.
No, The Browns don't have a spot for a RB still, they're lookin into getting Trent for sure. If not the Bucs certainly could draft him. It's a long shot for him being a Jet.
If he drops past the Bucs, Browns and Rams, I honestly think he falls to us. But I dont see him passing the Bucs or Browns. Maybe with Tebow, praying for a player might actually work?
If he falls to us, he would be such a BPA I would want to take him. If Floyd falls to us I would love to trade down but if no takers would have to think long and hard.