The people of Sierra Leone have suffered enough...Just inject him with the Ebola virus and leave him hanging above a volcano for a 3 days before it breaks apart and he falls to his doom...Just like Gollum
I'm cool with this!!! As he falls he needs to get caught in a spider web or something so the virus can take effect.
Why don't you go ask them personally. I'm sure they'd be happy to answer your question. Oh BTW, good luck finding Jessie Jackson these days. He hasn't been relevant in over 10 years so update your black boogieman list. Your information is totally outdated.
As a white man in America, I've often thought if only Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton would advocate on my behalf, I'd have it made.
You sound fucking stupid. Hes a criminal and it has nothing to do with race. Hes a predator that needs to be off the streets. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
I live 30 min from UVA so I've been hearing a lot about this. Dude is a scumbag and god knows how many unsolved crimes may be tied to him. Hopefully not many. If you want to get your blood boiling look at this:
Ill say this northern and central VA is a creepy place...wouldnt shock me if a lot of weird shit goes down in the Shenandoah Valley. Its a whole lotta nothin
Wow. Young white girl goes missing/is murdered... aaaaaaand it's being covered by every major news outlet and was one of the leading stories on the morning news here in MA, several hundred miles away. I think -- and correct me if I'm wrong here -- I think these stories get plenty of attention without any need for intervention from political figures. Which if you think about it, is kind of the point, no? So on a scale of 1 to 10, how silly do you feel for making that post?
My point is that black people only cry racism when theres white on black crime and not the other way around
Fine Cappy. Where is Jesse on the horrific Black on Black murder taking place in record numbers in Chicago? Where is any mention in the media, of the bloodshed..? Oh, right...covering that would cast a pall on so many lefty shibboleths, Gun Control, The Competence of the Nanny State, And the ability of the Democratic Party to successfully govern a major city over time...Detroit, NYC(pre Giuliani),Chicago, The Big Dig anyone? Where Is the President, who had time to speak on Feguson Mo...and who hosted the famous Beer summit?
I think you've missed the point. The racism isn't in the act. It's in the coverage of and reaction to the act. Wait, really? So I guess you're just going to put your ignorance out there for all to see. Think of them what you will as far as political opportunists, but Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have both been heavily involved in efforts to curb and/or bring more attention to "black on black" violence. The lack of mention of that in the media is, in fact, precisely the point they are trying to make. My wife just asked me what I was doing... when I told her I was on this site and what I was responding to, she told me that I should treat you the way the media treats black on black violence. Pretend it doesn't exist. Don't really have a comeback for her. She's probably right.
Well the good news is in 24 days of being up the guy is still 48K short of his goal..... somehow I don't think he's gonna get it
I can remember as a kid driving to Bristol, Tennessee (my dad is a big Nascar fan) and we drove through West Virginia on I-81 I believe and we saw this car an old station wagon with about 7 kids in it and each kid was wearing a potato sack instead of clothes. I wish camera phones (or cell phones for that matter) had been around because that definitely would have bene something I would have taken a picture of.
At least they were poor and ignorant out of necessity. You were the rubes that voluntarily chose NASCAR as entertainment.