The Rex Ryan Era is Over

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Quinnenthebeast, Dec 1, 2013.

  1. UncleTomNYJ

    UncleTomNYJ Active Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    I clearly see the trajectory of the team since Rex's Arrival. I see an offense which has been turned over year after year. I see a team which their GM has brought in jack shit since Rex taking over. (Tebow far from counts). I see a GM (MT) that has ran this team into the ground with shit contract after contract.

    Rex brought this team to two afcgm's since being here. Then the team was to hamstrung to do anything because the shit salaries the GM (MT) gave out.

    Rex has nothing to do with Pete Carroll. He is dealing with what has been dealt and he has done a damn good job. Minus the shit he has been dealt on offense.
  2. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I don't want Rex fired for the simple reason that I don't ever want to live through a 3-13 or worse season again and 2014 is likely to be a whopper of a bad season if Rex is fired.

    The Jets are rebuilding right now. There isn't enough talent on the roster for them to compete on a consistent basis this year. Throwing the entire roster up in the air again for 2014 is going to make that worse not better.

    What you do with Rex is let him and Idzik have another year or two together to get things going. If the Jets still look like a sad sack next year then you fire him. If they're ok but not making progress by 2015 then you fire him.

    Firing him because he took a 4-12 talent base to at least 5 wins and probably more than that is just silly given that we knew this team was in rebuild mode going into the season.

    What spot in the power rankings did almost every major ranker agree on again?


    Bueller? Bueller?
  3. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    Not sure if he will accept but I would extend him just a year and have him fight for his job in 2014.

    With 10+ draft picks and 30 mil in cap, he should be able turn things around and achieve a winning seasin. If not, I agree that it will be time to part ways with him but not now. I want Rex for another year at least.
  4. dex13

    dex13 New Member

    Nov 22, 2010
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    considering they lost Wilfork and Mayo for the year, the D could be much worse. Two undrafted rookies are their starting DTs.
  5. Flyboy

    Flyboy Active Member

    Jan 10, 2006
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    I like Rex, but he needs to be more of a coach than a fucking friend to his players. And yeah, you're right, the GM has made some shit decisions since coming to New York. I'm just not sure Woody will be forgiving this time. It's too bad too, because I really thought we had a coach that will be here for years. :(

    But besides all that, we still need a QB, and five or six wins might make us fall short of having a top 5 pick. Again, we bite our selves in the ass.
  6. thirtyoddfreestyle

    thirtyoddfreestyle Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2003
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    Give Rex one more year
  7. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    Rex has the jets on the wrong track . 8-8, 6-10, and probably 6-10 this year. Anyone who writes that he needs another chance or "it's not his fault" can't even read a team's record. This is the 3rd straight season the jets sucked. Move on already.
  8. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Tell me why on this "rebuilding team" that was playing well before the bye did Rex bring in Ed Reed and sit Allen, a nice young player who was contributing down? Tell me Rex didn't think that the Jets were a contending team. Tell me the Bills, Ravens and Dolphins didn't have a plan to go after Rex's D. Tell me that we weren't outcoached in every game since the bye against 3 teams that are in rebuild.

    We are not being destroyed by elite NFL teams we are being destroyed by teams that are rebuilding and mediocre in talent just like the NY Jets.

    Miami put up 400 plus yards on our D with a QB who is learning the position.
    #88 Biggs, Dec 1, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2013
  9. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Second that.
    Add that the team has been undisciplined time and time again (always on the head coach) and has come out flat in big games time and time again (always on the head coach).
    He makes asinine in game decisions with time management and challenges time and time again (always on the head coach).

    This team too often seems unprepared and over their head.
  10. Chrisiue

    Chrisiue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Should Rex be canned, I say somebody has to go when play is this bad and Rex has to go for more than any reason his continual defense of poor play. If I hear one more time that he gives us our best chance to win after a horrible performance by a QB or a player like Dee Milner, or a non effort to tackle like Cromartie two or three times a game and it does happen that many times without players being called out for poor performance then he has to go.
    The jets do not need a players coach who the players love to play for, they need somebody to chew them out when they walk off the field after screwing up non stop.
    It is time to get Gruden, he takes the ego maniacs on, sometimes on the field.:wink:
  11. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    TBH I love Rex but this operation is to long for him to complete. If we draft a QB we are back to square 1 again. Its not fair for Rex to have groom another rookie qb and I dont think he can win next year with a rookie QB.

    I dont think Rex is leaving on bad terms, I just think its a case of this team being to far away for Rex to stay. If he comes back next year I still cant see us winning more than 8 games, which means 4 straight seasons without a winning record which means he likely would have to leave. If things had worked out with Geno it would have made perfect sense for him to stick around but now its just another year we are going to have to go through with a QB dilemma.
  12. MowTin

    MowTin Active Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    Remember how you all wanted Pete Carol gone?

    Ryan is a great leader and motivator. Players love playing for him. Most teams tank without their starting QB. Look at the Packers without Rogers.

    Let's face it, if Sanchez didn't get hurt we would still be in the playoff chase. We need a starting QB.
  13. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    One of the dumbest decisions I ever saw the Jets make was when Hess went out and got Kotite immediately after watching the Eagles quit on him. I remember it well, and screamed bloody murder before he coached a game for the Jets. It turned out basically as I thought it would. Actually....probably even worse.

    Rex had a great first two years. I still think he was given a good foundation and if the Colts and Bengals hadn't laid down for him the last 2 games in '09, he may not be as revered, but it happened and he took advantage.

    '10 was a great year. One of the best in the history of the Jets.

    Since then, he went from 11 wins to 8 including a December collapse.
    He then went from 8 wins to 6 with a disastrous December.

    He will now either win 5 or 6 (I'm sorry, but with the state of the offense, I can't see them winning 2 more).

    You can't have him coach as a lame duck. The team may just implode on him knowing he has no real authority.

    He's also had 3 OC's in 5 years (On Sparano: "He's my guy!"). His best offense has been average. More often than not in the past three years, his offenses have been putrid.

    This brings me back to the Kotite signing. You can't extend a coach whose trajectory is down, out of the playoffs and just poor. The Jets have had three bad late seasons, three straight years. Extending him would be SOJ.

    Could anyone else do better? Maybe, maybe not. But we aren't going forward. The GM should be better suited to find a new HC than you, me or anyone here.
  14. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    After the clock game the defense quit on Pete Carroll, he had to go.

    Sure, he is a very good coach now but he was immature back than and it cost him a job.
  15. Red Menace

    Red Menace Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Thank you Biggs, it's these objective and reasonable comments that give me faith in the fans in this forum.
  16. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The Ed Reed move was a mistake but it was destined to happen given the Jets problems with the deep ball this season. Rex has brought in old vets from his Baltimore days a few other times also. Mostly they helped a bit and then moved on. It's not hard to see where he'd try to go get one of the greatest players he ever coached for a look-see.

    Rex's biggest blindspot is not his loyalty to vets though. His biggest blindspot is in not realizing that every great championship defense has a great safety sitting in the middle of it.

    The round robin at safety since Rex showed up is probably the only thing he has done wrong on defense for us.
  17. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Rex will find another job, thats for sure. He still proved a lot this year but for this franchise and the fact that we are going to need to groom ANOTHER Qb which is at least a 2-3 year process, it just wont work out for him.
  18. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    If the Jets actually suck out this year I think Rex is gone no matter what. I really do not want to deal with a new head coach next year trying to make heads or tails out of Rex's defensive roster while the offense is in gut rehab mode.

    Bill Cowher comes in here with his background in a 3-4 built around great linebackers and one of two things will happen:

    1. The Jets will spend a few early picks on linebackers...


    2. The Jets defense is going to look like a 3-headed turtle next year and no I do not mean Gammera the Invincible..
  19. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    A "Gamera" reference? You Sir......are the best. (Says the nerdy Godzilla fan) :grin:
  20. JetD

    JetD Member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    Im a big rex supporter, or may i say i have been. No longer do i feel this way. Its time to send him packing. And i couldnt even name 3 canidates to replace him. There is just no consistensey with this team. the fuck can ya beat NE and NO, then lay eggs against the bills, the ravens, and the fish....when i say eggs.......i mean total shit done. the season is over, hell it was over after the ravens game, i just didnt wanna give in....fuck this team and its head coach.....bye bye til next year fellas

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