if the jets release robertson the cap will be resloved and they will probley pick up that guy from the bills the DT in robertsons place or they will draft a DTin the draft do you guys think the jets would do this. I think it is smart instead of releasing like 5 great player to get the cap resloved.
I think he's just speculating. D-Rob can only play a few more years in the NFL because of the condition of his knees anyway. He also doesn't really work well as a prototypical NT, in either the 4-3 or 3-4. Quite possibly Bradway's biggest blunder to date.
Someone needs to start a thread about the players who WILL be on the team next year. This is getting crazy. We CAN'T cut everyone, can we? Rob will stay. First things first. OL, RB, QB. Pick your poison but let's leave the DL alone. Aside from JABE, of course.
Just speculating, I don't see us cutting D-Rob, he's only 24. Although with the knee issues and the huge contract I'd rather see him cut than Barton, Mawae, Kendall, and whoever else goes with them.
No it will not be resolved. I have a cut of RObertson only saving us 1M. A huge page cut would save us a decent chunk of change though.
I got nervous too when I saw this thread. What a waste it would be if Robertson were cut - two #1s! I still like him and hope he will restructure and succeed in the long run. I think the thread was just worded badly - I did get nervous though when I saw it.
will the jets cut Robertson i think so because, the jets need help with the cap and robertson has a lot of money on his contract and the jets will probley cut him i think then they wouldnt have to release mawae and kendall and other people they are thinking about cutting the could pick up adams from the bill at the dt to take robertsons spot. and the could draft a DT in the draft if the didnt pick up adams
Only a few more years? Uh, yea he has bad knees, but I think he has more then a few more years left. D-Rob's only 24.