... and I'm going to laugh when it does. First off, look at the fucking makeup. It's supposed to be a hood. Fucking guy looks like he has an egg shaped head. Ryan Reynolds. Most idiots were embracing him. HE FUCKING SUCKS. And then there's Tim Miller, who is a fucking rookie director who basically has zero control of the movie and is a puppet to a bunch of assholes obsessed with product placement. This motherfucking moving is going to motherfucking suck.
Apparently screenings and word of mouth from in that industry are saying the film was great. Lets see, I think it is a film that is a direct copy from the character from the comics. The fans wanted Reynolds the way he usually acts comedic in other movies to be in this film and they got it done. There was some passion behind it to make it the way comics portray the character. Breaking the "fourth wall". My excitement is reserved and will go in with little expectations
Can't be worse than Ben Affleck as Batman and Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luther in Batman vs Superman...Jesse fuckin Eisenberg!
just watching the previews you can tell its going to be terrible. Ryan Reynolds blows goats and it doesn't look funny at all. They are just crankng out this dumb "new-ish" idea for money. Add Ryan Reynolds, add superhero idea, sprinkle in some humor to the level of smacking someone in the nutz and wham.. millions of dollars at the box office.
http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/deadpool/reviews/ Make sure you guys see this movie. It's going to be great.
This will be Ryan Reynolds best movie since Van Wilder lol [which would be his only other good movie]