I heard the timing is off on the swing. I'm going to wait for reviews before I think about getting this.
http://www.1up.com/do/reviewPage?cId=3160566 - 8.5 http://wii.ign.com/articles/799/799318p1.html - 7.0 The Lag is still in the game
Bleh, lag in the swing sucks. If Nintendo could do the swing fine with Wii Sports baseball, I don't understand how these guys can't. I'd definitely get it if it weren't for that.
I bought this game for the Xbox 360 today and I'm very impressed. Good balance of strategy and button mashing. The Mets lineup is SICK which is nice too. I'd highly recommend anyone with a 360 or a PS3 who doesn't own a baseball title to invest in this gem. Looks great and has very responsive controls
Still early.....i'm waiting for the online games before i pass judgement. Come'on Nintendo don't let us down
The Bigs is pretty sweet with the Wii. The lag doesn't hurt the game much at all. You get used to it in a few innings.
I was thinking of buying this for the 360. I almost did today but got Dirt instead. Is the Bigs worth buying,or just renting since there is no franchise?
Yeah, it's easy to adjust to. My only complaint is that it is too arcade style for me; I only play it with my friends for friendly competition, but it's not something I'd play regularly.