The 2021 Jets and Beyond have a Bright Future

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by The Dark Knight, Dec 23, 2020.

  1. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    I agree that many of us have been realistic. Optimistic about the process and approach to rebuilding but also giving strong warnings that there will be a lot more downs than ups this year.

    The problem is there are lot of people that post with an agenda and look for anything that goes wrong to critisize so they can justify their previous I told you so posts. There will be a lot of that happening this year. Every Wilson mistake and they will come out and say I warned you. Every Darnold TD they will come out critical of JD.

    A rebuild is a long process. We have to ignore the bumps and look at the big picture and towards the future. Hopefully all the reps this year will pay dividends next year. Hopefully Zach stays healthy and keeps progressing. It should be entertaining to watch but starting 8 rookies we should expect to lose a lot. It may require some white noise to tune out the screams of the posters looking for attention everytime there is a downturn but hopefully we will be a much better team come week 17.

    The measure of this team should be the1977 team. Young, talented, bad, losing a lot but much better the next year. People need to understand that things are likely to get worse before they get better. Well not worse than last year but still very ugly.
    #501 Noam, Sep 2, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2021
  2. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    How about those that have already slammed those who cannot get "excited" until they see something happening that is exciting? If the irrational exuberance of some is not echoed by all that is somehow a problem. Now that Douglas and Saleh have issued the "cool your Jets" caution is it okay to wait?
  3. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    People are only slamming those that post irrationaly and cherry pick to justify previous posts. Certainly there is room to be a dark sider but please make logical arguments not post nonsense and then people might treat you with respect. Instead we have people with huge egos that post to justify their previous bad posts. People with no common sense just an agenda to be right at all costs. People like Rich Cimini aka Ralebird.
    cval likes this.
  4. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    I am speaking specifically of a thread a month or so ago that claimed that a number of people here, myself included, should find a different team to root for if they could not get "excited" about the coming season. Do you find that rational?

    Do you think it's proper for posters to make bogus blanket claims about what other posters say, but when pressed to support those claims cannot or will not? Where is the "respect" in that?

    And is it not truly stupid to construct a scenario that someone who has posted here for the better part of a decade is suddenly the alter ego of a professional reporter who has covered the team for almost forty years?
  5. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    You mean the thread where you sounded the alarm that Wilson was doing terrible because he had two bad practices out of 10 and this justified your original opinion we should not have taken him. Rather than just spewing nonsense if you actually followed the Jets you would have been aware that Wilson was having a great off season, was far ahead of schedule and everything appeared great. If you knew anything about football you would not be sounding the alarm on a rookie QB after 2 practices just as one should not be inducting him into the HoF after 2 preseason games.

    Maybe the problem with your posts is not whether they are positive or negative but that they completely lack substance and are nonsense.

    My advice is put your ego away, don't worry about your old posts and try to post objectively and offer something worthwhile for others to read. All you end up doing by feeding your ego is pick fights with others and start arguments. Spending vasts amounts of time defending the original Mehta, Jet hater, Rich Cimini is not a good way to get along with others.
    #505 Noam, Sep 2, 2021
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2021
    K'OB, NCJetsfan and cval like this.
  6. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Yeah - I guess exactly that - because it never happened! But that doesn't stop you and a couple of others from spewing such BS. If you can't support crap like that, why would you want to put it here for all to see? I never said the Jets should not take Wilson either, I only suggested concerns that the competition he faced was not adequate to judge his abilities against NFL defenses; but you make up shit multiple times a day. Your claim here about Wilson being "far ahead of schedule" is strictly your opinion that will be proven to be true or not when he finally hits the field with the lights on and the clock running full speed.

    I think I challenged you within the past week to back up what you write but you silently skulked back to your lair. Why not simply man up and own what you write? You personify those posters who "completely lack substance" and your "If you knew anything about football" line is much more ridiculous coming from you than from most of the fools here who use it so frequently when all they mean is "if you agree with my opinion." Who the fuck is sounding any alarm at all? Or is simply not overusing the word "great" enough?

    I have no advice to you because I've never been so egotistical to believe I get to order your opinion, as over the top as I might believe it is - have at it, but try to be honest about what you post.
  7. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Mike LaFleur’s preseason personnel package usage paints telling picture
    Mike LaFleur's preseason personnel usage with the Zach Wilson-led offense indicates tendencies that might carry through the regular season.

    Vitor Paiva

    Mike LaFleur’s preseason personnel packages for Zach Wilson’s offense could reveal his regular-season plan
    Preseason football. For some, it means absolutely nothing. For a keen observer, there are many tips to grasp.

    Despite not playing in the last preseason game, the New York Jets‘ first-team offense had a good number of reps throughout the preseason to showcase its readiness as they prepare for the real thing. Forty-one reps, to be exact.

    It was enough to get Jets fans excited for the upcoming regular season – one, at the end of the day, that will mainly be about the development of Zach Wilson and the offense around him.

    Not only that, but the first-team offense’s total of six offensive series was also enough to get Mike LaFleur ready for his first year as a full-time play-caller.

    Just like Wilson, LaFleur didn’t look like a first-timer at his job. He was every bit as impressive as the BYU product.

    The former San Francisco 49ers assistant excelled at putting his players in favorable spots on critical downs and showed a clear ability to call plays that connect with one another. Jets fans haven’t seen either of those things in years.

    Besides what the naked eye can see, there were many other indications that LaFleur is bringing a new offensively philosophy to 1 Jets Drive.

    After an Adam Gase-led era in which the Jets were the most predictable team on Earth (this is the last time I mention the Jets’ former coach, I swear), New York fans were finally able to see a coach that planned the game in order to avoid third down.

    Much of the difference between the thinking of these two offensive gurus can be easily identified by looking at their personnel selection and down-to-down approach. While the 2020 Jets built their offense around 11 personnel (1 RB, 1 TE, 3 WR), LaFleur seems to be a more versatile coach, willing to go with heavier guys early and then switch it up to 11 personnel on third down.

    What changes the entire picture is that lining up in heavier looks is not a limitation to LaFleur. He can still dial it up out of those packages, calling play-action passes and quick throws, while also running multiple run-block schemes so the front-seven remains honest on early downs.

    With all of that in mind, let’s take a look at the three personnel packages the Jets used this preseason.

    11 Personnel (34% – 14/41)
    • Total Plays: 14
    • Run Plays: 4
    • Non-Play Action Pass Plays: 8
    • Play Action Pass Plays (PAP): 2
    Play selection:
    • First down (used on 2 of 18 first downs): 2 runs, 0 passes
    • Second down (used on 5 of 14 second downs): 2 runs, 3 passes (2 PAP)
    • Third down (used on 7 of 8 third downs): 0 runs, 7 passes (0 PAP)
    The Jets ran 11 personnel 72% of the time during the 2020 regular season, ranking fifth in the NFL. LaFleur dropped that number all the way down to 34% in the 2021 preseason. That number would have ranked second-lowest in the NFL last season.

    Will the difference indeed be that large when the real action starts?

    Quick answer: no.

    As the numbers show, the Jets heavily relied upon 11 personnel on third down. They went with 11 personnel on seven of their eight third-down plays and called a pass on all seven of those plays.

    During the season, the Jets will face third down much more often since they will probably not maintain the elite-level success they had moving the ball over their limited amount of time in the preseason. So, the percentage will likely increase based on that alone.

    In addition, it’s worth noting that New York played without rookie wide receiver Elijah Moore in the preseason, who will definitely be a factor come Week 1. Moore’s presence should also provide a bump to 11 personnel usage.

    Regardless, the Jets still won’t come close to the 72% mark reached by the 2020 squad. Expect a steep decline in three-receiver looks compared to last year’s team.

    21 Personnel (39%- 16/41)
    • Total Plays: 16
    • Run Plays: 12
    • Non-Play Action Pass Plays: 3
    • Play Action Pass Plays (PAP): 1
    Play selection:

    • First down (used on 10 of 18 first downs): 8 runs, 2 passes (1 screen, 1 PAP)
    • Second down (used on 4 of 14 second downs): 2 runs, 2 passes (1 screen)
    • Third down (used on 1 of 8 third downs): 1 run, 0 passes
    • Fourth down (used on 1 of 1 fourth downs): 1 run, 0 passes
    If you are someone that dislikes Trevon Wesco, get ready for a little irritation. (Or, just actually pay attention to the guy delivering great blocks to pump up the Jets running game.)

    The Jets will rely heavily on having a fullback on the field to get their valuable running yards on early downs. This means that they are going to run plenty of 21 personnel (two backfield players, which in the Jets’ case will be a FB and a RB, along with 1 TE and 2 WR).

    The 21 personnel package will be a staple on early downs. In the preseason, 14 of the Jets’ 16 plays with the package came on first or second down. On first down, the Jets used 21 personnel 56% of the time.

    After running 21 personnel on only 1% of the offensive snaps in 2020, the Jets are set to make the fullback a core part of their offense once more.

    Wesco will be ultra-important on lead blocks, working as an insert on various runs such as inside zone, outside zone and wide zone come to mind immediately.

    Besides that, after the unexpected release of Chris Herndon, expect more of Wesco at tight end, too, especially in play calls that allow him to motion from the backfield to the line of scrimmage.

    The Jets used 21 personnel on 16 plays, 12 being pure runs. The other four, despite being considered passes, had the run as a key element to them. Breaking down the four passes, there was:

    1. A smoke screen alert to Corey Davis where the OL had a run block movement
      2. A screen to Jeff Smith which functions as nothing more than an extended handoff (Wesco was in the slot on the play)
      3. A check at the line from Wilson, who completed a flair to Tevin Coleman. So, it can’t be known if the original play call was a run
      4. A play-action pass, where the run influence is obvious
    Even though the Jets might not run 21 personnel 39% of the time in the regular season (last year’s leader was New England with 37%, followed by San Francisco with 33%), it’s safe to say that it will be the first or second-most used personnel by this year’s offense. A good estimate would probably have them near the 49ers’ 33% mark.

    12 Personnel (27% – 11/41)
    • Total Plays: 11
    • Run Plays: 5
    • Non-Play Action Pass Plays: 3
    • Play Action Pass Plays (PAP): 3
    Play selection:

    • First down (used on 6 of 18 first downs): 1 run, 5 passes (3 PAP)
    • Second down (used on 5 of 14 second downs): 4 runs, 1 pass
    At last, there’s 12 personnel (1 RB, 2 TE, 2 WR). One could say that it was the personnel package used in the most balanced way by LaFleur, who had an almost even split of run and pass attempts out of it (5 runs, 6 passes).

    LaFleur used 12 personnel on 27% of the first-team offense’s plays. That would have ranked ninth-highest in the NFL last season.

    Without Herndon, I expect to see more of Wesco in these packages, lining up in his original position as a move TE. Ryan Griffin, when healthy, will also be eased into the lineup.

    The 21 package personnel is an option for the Jets to keep things honest when in the shotgun. Wilson’s highlight-reel connection with Corey Davis down the right sideline came on a play-action call out of 12 personnel, with Tyler Kroft working as the split blocker.

    It seems likely that 12 personnel will be the third-most-used package this season by the Jets. That fact becomes even stronger after the Herndon trade.

    The strength of this roster is not at the tight end spot. LaFleur’s scheme can function extremely well by depending on 21 personnel as its go-to heavy look.

    Still, the 12 personnel look is a nice way to get both Elijah Moore and Corey Davis lined up on the same side of the field against a base defensive look.

    With the roster seemingly set, it’s now up to LaFleur to pick the right actors to take center stage and support Zach Wilson’s quest to turn the Jets offense into a national hit.
  8. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    Good article, I think wesco will be key to our offense as an unsung hero. whee he could start as a TE in the 12 then motion to a FB in the 21 and vice versa. I think he'll be an important piece of the offense for us. we never used him before this and i'll never understand why. He was always known as a good blocker coming out of college and he has good hands too.
    Noam, The Dark Knight and NCJetsfan like this.
  9. Mogriffjr

    Mogriffjr Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2010
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  10. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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  11. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Yeah, I think the Jets have a great coaching staff in place. I like that philosophy a lot. Now they need the players to buy in. The front office looks really good too. They are starting to add some core pieces to the roster. It's nice to see the franchise headed in the right direction.
  12. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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  13. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I love this! Thanks for posting it! I don't see how anyone who reads this could not be at least somewhat optimistic about the Jets' future.
  14. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    How many NFL teams do not have a similar philosophy? Isn't this Coaching 101?
  15. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    How dare you be somewhat optimistic! :mad:

    Hang your head in shame while you type out an apology to @Ralebird ... :confused:
    NCJetsfan likes this.
  16. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    Great article. I enjoyed it. Such a 180 degree change from Gase's rigid system.
    NCJetsfan likes this.

    NYJFOREVER Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Is a playbook consisting of HB dives and WR screens truly a system?
  18. Imagesrdecieving

    Imagesrdecieving Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    Last season was the 1st time ever in my life that I questioned what I was doing with my Sundays...

    For context - I root for the Brooklyn Nets who pretty recently logged a 12-70 season (I watched every game that year). Yet last seasons jets were somehow worse than that.

    The bar is set pretty low but I'm looking forward to being pleasantly surprised. Not based on wins or losses. I understand where we are age and talent wise - but it's fun to get in early on the start of something good.

    Alot of us could be wildly wrong but JD, Saleh, Wilson, Becton, AVT and Quinnen seem likely to all pan out as foundational pieces.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
  19. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    But we need to ask ourselves why any system should be compared to the benchmark of Gase.
  20. Matthew_McBride

    Matthew_McBride Active Member

    Oct 12, 2013
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    I guess you've never watched the Jets before, but Mr. Adam Gase was the coach prior to the current coach. So we're seeing how we've changed since then. Hope you tune into a game or two this season, champ!
    The Dark Knight likes this.

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