Thank God for TGG - It made our dreadful wait to the draft bearable

Discussion in 'Draft' started by LAJet, May 3, 2014.

  1. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Six days and counting. I think you guys would strongly agree that since the early days of free agency till the 8th of May it's an unbearable long wait for us jet fans.

    IMHO, without the TGG forum, with its daily dose of great insight by most of its members, giving us a gamut of valuable information, links, personal analysis, and mostly data-based value added opinions, some of us would have gone either crazy or slightly postal waiting for the draft.

    If we were to depend solely on the whining NY media, struggling to come up with anything meaningful or original, in lieu of bitching about Idizik for doing his job and not leaking strategy to the world, the wait would have been pretty hopeless.

    The time is drawing near, we are running out of what-if scenarios, and mercifully the mirage of mock drafts that kept us thinking will dwindle. We are in the home stretch and nervously waiting, with bated breath, for the commissioner and some key ex Jet players to stand in front of the podium and utter the magic words " with the xx pick, the NYJ select...."

    I know we have a pretty diverse set of expectations about our picks, but I'm sure we only have one ultimate common goal. We hope this will prove to be the most successful draft in a long, long time. One that will help set the stage for many years of consistent success.

    So as we approach the draft and before the nerves get the best of me, I want to convey my special thanks to the many contributors to TGG and to the fantastic job by the TGG management team that dedicates so much time and effort to make the site second to none. To us Jet fans TGG is a heaven of information and the best way to reach out to other jet fans across the world.

    So, as we sit in front of the TV or just wondering about the picks, anywhere we might be, I believe our thoughts will unite in hope and expectation, surprise and excitement, euphoria and desperation. It will not be easy, it will be a wild 3 days, after's the Jets.

    Cheers to TGG and Good luck to Idzik and the whole Jets organization, and to the many fans that live to see this team succeed.
    NoodleArm, MaximusD163, Zach and 5 others like this.
  2. Terminated117

    Terminated117 Active Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    Yeah, it feels like May 8th is taking FOREVER to get here. I'm real excited to see how it all goes down, but part of me just wants it to get over with so we can move on
  3. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    At times, barely bearable.
  4. richieC

    richieC Active Member

    May 4, 2014
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    I whole heartedly
    Being a Jets fan... draft time was something I always looked forward to.
    The eternal underdog screaming "wait till next year"
    Draft time brings hope and at least until September the illusion that we have closed the gap to the top.

    Draft time is like Christmas. Waiting to open presents ( unknown players ).
    Lots of players we want, but have to wait till Christmas day to find out what we get.
    And football is by far the best sport.. when it comes to the draft.... very fun part of the year for me.

    TGG is awesome in the offseason.. A wealth of knowledge ( very entertaining )
    TGG makes the offseason almost as enjoyable as the regular season... ALMOST ;).
  5. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Already gone postal lol. Ditch the May 8th idea Mr. Commissioner please?
  6. NoodleArm

    NoodleArm Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Well said, @LAJet, well said.

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