With football season fast approaching, I still haven't figured out how I'm gonna watch my Jets away games.. Last i had to worry about this Sunday ticket was exclusive to Direct TV(which I still can't figure out for the life of me why)Is it still exclusive?
DirecTV paid over 1 billion dollars to the NFL to buy those exclusive rights seems like a legit reason to me.
forced? its awesome...this is a good thing my friend...enjoy directv and enjoy the ticket......id give up my wife before i gave up my ticket
if you bitch and moan and bitch and moan and bitch some more you can sign up for JUST the sunday ticket. It's a PIA to get just the ticket but well worth it.
Its not so much that I didn't like Direct TV. Right now I have everything through comcast so for me its more about the hassle and/or cost of splitting everything up..
ahhhhh, hassle indeed.....but for the ticket its worth it...they have a big combo pack as well i believe
thats only reason why I have DirecTV cause of the Jets..Where I live in Mass its all patriots everywhere
Take it from a kid from Northern California, Sunday Ticket is absolutely worth every penny (no pun intended.) In fact, it's worth it alone for game mix (where you can watch 8 games at once, and can have the sound of any of those games you want)
Directv sells the rights to broadcast Sunday Ticket to other companies though. For example, here in Canada I order Sunday Ticket through Bell Expressvu sattellite. They probably have also made it available to other companies in the US as well, both sattellite and digital cable, it's just that Dorectv owns the rights. If you really need to know I am sure a call to your provider could answer your questions.
only in canada since theres no competition jtuds....here in the states thee is no where else to get the games
Second that. To me it is the best $200.00 per year I spend. The enjoyment from it is worth every penny U pay for it.
So if a person wants Sunday Ticket in the US they have absolutely no choice but to get Directv? In Canada you can get it through the Canadian version of Directv, Bell Expressvu sattellite, or Rogers Digital Cable (Rogers is a big tv company that owns the Blue Jays stadium among other things)