Is there anyway to put bounties out on sports writers? This just shows he's the equivalent of a drunk guy at a bar who thinks he knows everything about sports.
I didn't know Sanchez threw 26 interceptions last year. Good job Stephen A. Honestly I find Stephen A unlistenable. I've tried to listen to him on occasion on 1050 and I have never been able to do it. I suppose he's ok with basketball but when he talks baseball and football it's hard to take him seriously. It's a frustrating time to be a jet fan because the media just loves to pile on this team. I know Rex brought that on because people don't like his talk so I guess we have to blame him but you would think these journalists could be more objective. What went on in the jet locker room is nothing that doesn't happen to most disappointing teams. If we had a coach that was like all the other cronies it would have been forgotten 2 days after the season was over. And when is the last time an 8-8 team who is coming off two afc championship appearances gets talked about they have been 1-15 the last 3 years
That wasn't a choice. Enjoy your vacation.... unless you meant one of these words............. nabbed, nabobs, nacker, nacred, nacres, nadder, nadirs, naenia, nagana, nagged, nagger, naiads, naiant, nailed, nailer, namely, namers, naming, nances, nandou, nanism, nannie, nanpie, napalm, napery, naphew, napkin, naples, napped, napper, nappes, nappie, narcos, nardoo, narica, narine, narked, narrow, narwal, nasals, nascal, nasion, nassae, nassas, nasute, natals, natant, natica, nation, native, natron, natter, nature, naught, nausea, nautch, nautic, navaho, navajo, navals, navels, navies, nayaur, nazify, nazism, neaped, nearby, neared, nearer, nearly, neaten, neater, neatly, nebbed, nebula, nebule, nebuly, necked, nectar, nedder, needed, needer, needle, needly, neesed, nefand, nefast, negate, negoce, neighs, nelson, nemean, nempne, neogen, neoned, nepeta, nephew, nereid, nereis, nerita, nerite, neroli, nerved, nerves, nested, nester, nestle, nestor, nether, netify, netted, netter, nettle, nettly, neurad, neural, neuron, neuter, nevada, nevoid, newark, newels, newest, newing, newish, newton, nextly, niacin, nibbed, nibble, nicely, nicene, nicery, nicest, nicety, niched, niches, nicked, nickel, nicker, nickle, nidary, nidget, niding, nieces, niello, mystikol rules, niggle, nighed, nigher, nighly, nights, nighty, nihils, nilgau, nilled, nimble, nimbly, nimbus, nimmed, nimmer, ninety, ninths, niobic, nipped, nipper, nipple, nippon, niseis, niters, nitres, nitric, nitrol, nitros, nitrum, nitryl, nitter, nitwit, nivose, nixies, nixing, nobble, nobler, nobles, nobley, nobody, nocake, nocent, nocive, nocked, nodded, nodder, noddle, nodose, nodous, nodule, noesis, noetic, noggen, noggin, noious, noires, noised, noises, nomade, nomads, nomial, nomism, nonage, nonane, nonces, noncom, nonego, nonett, nonfat, nonius, nonman, nonmen, nonoic, nonone, noodle, noosed, nooser, nooses, nordic, norian, norice, norite, norium, normal, norman, normed, norroy, norths, norway, noshed, nosher, noshes, nosier, nosily, nosing, noster, nostoc, notary, notate, notchy, noters, nother, notice, notify, noting, notion, notist, nougat, nought, nounal, nousel, nousle, nouthe, novels, novena, novene, novice, novity, noways, nowise, nowthe, noyade, noyful, noyous, nozzle, nuance, nubbin, nubble, nubbly, nubian, nubias, nubile, nuchal, nuclei, nucula, nuddle, nudely, nudest, nudged, nudger, nudges, nudies, nudism, nudist, nudity, nudnik, nugget, nugify, nullah, nulled, numbed, number, numbly, numero, nuncii, nuncio, nuncle, nuphar, nupson, nuragh, nurled, nursed, nurser, nurses, nustle, nutant, nutlet, nutmeg, nutria, nutted, nutter, nuzzle, nybble, nylgau, nylons, nympha, nympho, nymphs, nyseys,
Who gives a shit right now. Only time will tell if Smith is right or wrong. He just like every one on here he got his opinion.
Thats the shit head who during Linsanity was saying that the Knicks should just give Melo the ball and the rest of the team should just sit in the corner and go fuck themselves. I cant take that guy serious on any sports.