Spaces in posts

Discussion in 'Feedback & Suggestions' started by Angry Teste, Mar 6, 2007.

  1. Angry Teste

    Angry Teste Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    I post something like:

    Offense - Career
    Year G GS Rush RuYd RuAvg RuTD Rec RecYd RecAvg RecTD Fumb
    2001 14 4 112 373 3.3 2 32 208 6.5 0 3
    2002 9 9 138 511 3.7 2 20 113 5.7 0 3
    2003 9 9 138 511 3.7 2 20 113 5.7 0 3
    2004 14 14 240 948 4.0 7 56 427 7.6 0 2
    2005 15 15 314 1335 4.3 9 26 143 5.5 0 2

    Defense - Career
    Year G GS Tack Asst Sacks Int Frc Fumb Fumb Rec Fumb RYd Def TD
    2003 9 9 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
    2005 15 15 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Returning - Career
    Year P Ret P RetYd P RetAvg P RetTD K Ret K RetYd K RetAvg K RetTD
    2002 0 0 0.0 0 2 35 17.5 0
    2003 0 0 0.0 0 17 271 15.9 0

    then i go in and put the spaces in, so that it doesn't look all confusing like above^, but when I submit the post-it takes the spaces out and it still looks all jumbled...Petro, is this something you can fix?
  2. FITM

    FITM 2006 Best Photoshop Artist Award Winner

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Put it in between a
    [*/code] tag, but remove the asterisk.

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