Anyone think there was a sickeningly large amount of Ravens fans at the game? Seriously, STHs, it's one thing to not make it to the game but it's quite another to sell your tickets to fans of the opposing team for the home/season opener in our new stadium. I don't mind a sprinkling of different-colored jerseys here or there, but I shouldn't be able to hear a very audible "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAP" every time their tight end gets a first down. The worst case of this I've ever seen was our '07 game against the Steelers, which was understandable. We blew chunks that year and Stillers bandwagoners are everywhere - it's no surprise they were able to snap up so many tickets. But for the home opener of a promising season? That's bullshit.
I was pissed off when I heard Heap too, at that point the game was lost though so our fans weren't making any noise to quiet them.
It always pisses me off to see so many opposing fans and usually I believe it is STHs selling their tix online. I was wondering this year if most of those may have actually been sold by the Jets? Pats game was not as bad.
Unfortunately we live in New York and not Green Bay or Pittsburgh where most of the fans are born, raised, and reside in the city. New York has such a large influx of people from other places that it is bound to have opposing fans lined up to see their "hometown" team in our stadium. It's something I've sadly grown accustomed to. And you forgot to mention that the Steelers lost that game you spoke of and I had a ball reminding them of that fact.
I sit in sec 348 and there were a ton of Ravens fans in my section. It was miserable. The pats game wasn't as bad but my section must be one of the sections with seats for sale because there was different people all around me for both games.
Yeah, I'll stick with my formula of selling my tickets to the highest bidder. Of course I hope my buyers are Jets fans, but if they're not, I think I'd rather shame those Jets fans that couldn't outbid those Ravens fans.
The last few years I have been surrounded by opposing fans for the most part. This year I have the same core group around me which is great. There are still some opposing fans but nothing like the past few years in 328!