anybody get there invoice yet? I havent gotten mine yet and I pretty sure they send them out after the superbowl.
I don't have mine yet, 317. I thought they come out later in the spring, no? I seem to remember them coming later and due by like, May 10 or so.
How long is the waiting list? How much is the Waiting Fee? I always wanted to put my name on the list but I'm 36 years old and don't think I have enough left in me to ever see my dreams come into fruition.
Haven't received yet..they will probably be here by next week latest. Payments due by May 1. I guess we have no playoff $ to offset this year! LOL Section 331..Row 12
Not sure how many people are on the list. Fee is $50 per year up to $500 max..which will be applied when you get seats. At this rate in a new stadium, $500 oughta cover one game!
How much is each season ticket? I'm around 1500 or so on the list, so I'm going to start saving now but I just wanted to see what others are paying.
Depends on location..I believe tickets ranged from $70-$90 last year. Expect a $5-$10 increase ewvery year. And thats for all 10 games, not just the regular season.
Start saving now and by 2028 you'll have enough for a potato knish. My seats were a whopping $90 each last year and I don't know how bad Woody Woodied me this time around. I'm sure it'll feel real good when the bill comes though. $90 X 4 seats=$360 per game. Ten games is $3600. This is the highest they are though, people get Woodied a little less if they sit in most other places.
Well, I'm screwed then because I really hate knishes Thanks for the information. I'm actually hoping to just get two tickets for myself but probably my brother would be footing the bill for two tickets for himself also, so my cost wouldn't be that bad.
Screw that. I have directv and am fortunate enough to have CBS2. Every JET game and PRE game. Plus I have NFL Network. Got's all my JET fix for no additional charge. I did hear talk about a JET channel. Something to do with the METS network. Any info?
Going to the game is better than watching on TV, in my opinion. But, at what cost? Jets are tieing into new Mets Cable Network as expeect lots of draft, training camp, etc coverage. Netwoek may not be available on all cable systems.