Scott Wright at (long read)

Discussion in 'Draft' started by ReservoirDog76, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. ReservoirDog76

    ReservoirDog76 New Member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    Dude's a joke.

    I called him out for basically copy pasting the same thing in every single one of his descriptions for Jets picks, specifically this:

    I tried to explain on one occasion how this isn't logical because Coleman is a very solid player on the defense and he is not really at the top of our priority list. He acts like Coleman is just a blocking sled out there.

    Alas I got no response.

    Then he updated his mock draft again and again it said the same exact thing to which I replied in his message board post:

    (quoted the Coleman thing again)


    After that, the message got deleted and I got an infraction from Scott himself saying I didn't provide any arguments or some bullshit.

    Keep in mind this is the same guy that after the Jets beat the Chiefs last year went on a crazy rant-like tirade about how ridiculous it was that the Jets would even FATHOM to win the game because they cost themselves a higher draft pick.

    Then post-draft he made the Jets one of his "draft day losers" and I posted this at the beginning of May:

    Again I got no response from the guy, and the thread got locked.
  2. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    I'm not a fan of Wright at all TBH...but he's a hardworking guy and his site is one of the few sites that has year-round draft discussion going on.

    He's a bit arrogant IMO and pigeon-holes alot of teams and the message board on his site is always like a week or two ahead of him. It doesn't seem like he really knows much more than most fans who really pay attention really...but that's no insult is just a website he doesn't claim himself to be an expert.

    I also thought his draft talk on the Jets last year was something I could have read off of ESPN...but Wright doesn't charge, he works his ass off, and the message boards on NFLDC are some of the most informative of draft prospects on the internet. Plus, Coleman can be upgraded...I really liked Kendall Langford...then the Phins stole him...assholes.

    Edit: Didn't know that was you. I remember that post...funny shit...Wright was totally wrong on that stuff then and now IIMO.
    #2 JetsLookingforDWare, Nov 13, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2008
  3. rhodesfan16

    rhodesfan16 New Member

    Feb 7, 2008
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    walterfootball is where its at even though at times I am not praticularly fond of some of the posters
  4. phatnols

    phatnols Member

    Mar 14, 2006
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    Scott Wright "6-8 WR's have to be drafted in the 1st rnd"

    last yr none.... he has always had a "hard on" for Wr's. I have been banned from his forums for being right"wright" on the Wr isssue.

    shit I wish the Pats drafted David Terrell over Richard Seymour(thats when he started hating me then.... I was banned 3 yrs later) me and him got into a fight

    I still get to see his shitty draft projections though. The funniest part I didnt say his picked sucked, or used swear words all I said is he overates Wr's. Then he countered which WR, I said Terrell and then I post "Seymour will be better than Terrell(Michigan Wr have been spotty)." you better retract your rankings then I was banned 3 yrs later when Seymour was definitly a better player. Scott is way too arrogant he is an ametuer like the rest of us for the draft but to ban people when they are right....He is a clown

    and I agree if we didnt draft Gholston who were we going to get? he probably wanted us to get a WR. he is a Viqueens fan and he always has them getting a WR.
  5. phatnols

    phatnols Member

    Mar 14, 2006
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    Scott Wright "6-8 WR's have to be drafted in the 1st rnd"

    last yr none.... he has always had a "hard on" for Wr's. I have been banned from his forums for being right"wright" on the Wr isssue.

    shit I wish the Pats drafted David Terrell over Richard Seymour(thats when he started hating me then.... I was banned 3 yrs later) me and him got into a fight

    I still get to see his shitty draft projections though. The funniest part I didnt say his picked sucked, or used swear words all I said is he overates Wr's. Then he countered which WR, I said Terrell and then I post "Seymour will be better than Terrell(Michigan Wr have been spotty)." I also told him he better retract his rankings then I was banned 3 yrs later when Seymour was definitley a better player. Scott is way too arrogant he is an ametuer like the rest of us for the draft but to ban people when they are right....He is a clown

    and I agree if we didnt draft Gholston who were we going to get? he probably wanted us to get a WR. he is a Viqueens fan and he always has them getting a WR.

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