My friend has the disk and I am unable to copy it for whatever reason. So I was wondering if anybody knows a way to play the game without the CD in, I can fully install the game, but if I try to boot it without the CD it will not work. IF anybody knows what to do please help.
I actually don't like classics, as in old people. and I actually don't like roller coasters or tycoons.
softdisc is a program designed for just that. However be careful! I was running vista and attempted to install it on my comp and it completely fucked up my comp beyond belief! I was barely able to restore it to XP and now i cant run vista cuz i lost my upgrade CD. But it ran fine on my laptop which is running XP. Find something online to tell you how to use the thing because you need some files to play it
do you really care that much lol Theres a lot of other games being talked about just look down the threads.
I have the first edition and you must have the disc in the drive in order for it to load whenever you play. Sorry, but I am not even close to savy enough to anyway around it.
Damn what a great game that was! I think I still have it sitting around somewhere, maybe I'll install it when I get home. I used to own that shit