Ryan says Jets should be favorites to win it all I was on here congratulating you guys for getting in a few days ago buy man whats with your coach? He doesn't seem to know how to just keep his mouth shut. If he thinks you guys can or should win it all thats fine but why not just go out and do it, why does he feel its necessary to run his mouth before he has done anything?
I knew he couldn't hold it in, and I don't care one bit. I love people who are unashamed of who they are
Sorry just realized this has already been posted. I pushed the button to see if there was already a thread and it said no.
eventually this is gonna backfire. little too much talk for me.....he is alienating some of those in the media and the league with these comments...... i know that shouldn't matter and it doesn't but the only problem is when the jets do rip off a 13-3 campaign and #2 seed - everyone is gonna chirp about it being artificial - and that could get into the players heads. jil
He needs the team to have a mindset that they can go all the way. If they're thinking the odds are against them, they are less likely to try as hard this week (or weeks after) because they don't believe they can go all the way.
He's just being positive. It's his way of combating all of the hate the media has been giving the Jets. No need to get all worked up about it.
Love it. Play to win. Set your goals high and have confidence in your team. Nothing wrong with it at all.
Could this backfire? Yes.. Who cares though, we have made it to the tournament, we have a shot at making it to the big game. We have the number 1 defense and rushing attack throughout the entire league. The guy is doing something right, and he deserves to talk however he pleases. Hands down, I have nothing against his remarks, and even if we do flop in the playoffs, it still gives me a very optimistic mindset on where this football team is headed, and that is in large part (no pun intended) due to Rex Ryan.
He should try doing it before talking about it for a change. Indy lays down and now he's full of piss and vinegar again? Thats pretty weak, I'm not one of those people thats gonna say you backed in because Indy handing you the win had nothing to do with you, all you could do was try to win and you did but come on........maybe just be happy with your good fortune and shut up. If a some huge guy that could kick your ass doesn't feel like wasting his time on you that doesn't really mean you should start strutting around the parking lot like a bad ass.
Hes trying to keep his team confident since everyone else is shitting all over us and our chances. When people keep saying your the only team with 0 chance of winning the superbowl players start to get down on themselves. Rex is loud because it puts all the attention on himself and off of his players. He likes being the guy to hate cus it keeps his team happy he doesnt give a fuck what people say about him.