I was looking at this pic: and thought it would be a cool avatar. Can someone resize it for me to see if it looks good? And if it's kinda choppy maybe taking out Johnson and Damon on the corners? Thanks.
HELP! I wanted to rotate my sig and repost my old one for a spell as a hand up to my pal, DW. The old sig is under 35K and is 400 x 100. Funny thing is, the site won't allow me to post it because of size restrictions. This is the error message I get: 1. The font size you are using is too large. You are limited to using a maximum font size of 16 in your signature. Why would it do that if the signature itself is within the correct parameters? Why the hell does it care? Never used to be problematic. What do I know from these things. Any takers? Any help would be much appreciated. Feel free to spitball or PM. Thanks all. ^There it is...
^I was in an entirely different forum and when I hit submit, it slowly emerged from the mist. It was like David freakin' Copperfield or something. I said, "Oh!", because it startled me. :lol: Thank you!