!y7hzs They wanted to lessen the load on Smith and cater to their strengths, which they feel is the running game. If true, this means we'll likely be grabbing less receivers and looking at Oline, defense, and maybe a running back early in the draft. Run the ball, play defense, and limit Geno from throwing it to the other team. Not sure how I feel about this considering they tried this strategy with Sparano and it failed, albeit without the proper talent.
If this is true, I'd be so pissed. There's no way this is true with Marty calling the plays. No way. Although, now that I hear they are interested in Jones-Drew this makes sense.
If that's truly how they feel, they need a different QB. Playing afraid to lose with a QB is a recipe for disaster.
I don't buy it. Regardless if they're focusing on the running game or not, the Jets still need a total revamp of their WR position. It would just be more of the same if the Jets don't let Geno air the ball out with some real receiving threats and playmakers.
I think the Jets will still address the WR position by grabbing one in free agency and one in he draft, just maybe not in the first round if they don't see the value. We need receivers for play-action if we're gonna be running it more.
Wait..we are quoting fansided.con who is quoting and worried there may be some truth to it?
This may reflect the reality of the FA WRs. Maybe the FO does not want to overpay for mediocre #2 and #3 WR talent and realizes that drafting WRs may not see immediate dividends as it may take 2-3 years for a WR to develop.
We still need a gawt damn receiver. Opponents will play 8 in the box all day and stuff the shit outta our run game. And if we're playing from behind, than what? David Nelson? Stephen Hill?
Well it is not like we had a top 5 QB since joe willie. That's over 40 yrs now!!! Us Jet fans deserve a elite QB ...
If this is true, then Rex didn't learn a damned thing from the 3 games this past season when he shut Geno down or from past history with Sanchez, and should be fired. You don't come out and say shit like this about your young QB. Rex is an effing moron. I despise him. If they have that little confidence in Smith, they ought to just go ahead and draft a QB in the 1st or 2nd round this year. effing Jets.
If we return to ground and pound in today's NFL I'll be a little miffed. Miffed I say. This sounds like a crock. _
Didn't we already do this with our last QB? Nuff said... I don't think we could be this stupid when things finally are looking a little brighter... Hoping its media BS...
That's true, but maybe we should leave the dead horse alone for a little bit, at the very least until we know what QBs are going to camp.