Can you believe it?????'s almost time. GMs get your draftboards updated.....Mock starts this upcoming Saturday, March 28, 9:00 A.M. Gms please review all the rules or ask any questions or concerns here. Round 1-3 are already set-up, waitng for comp picks, which should be announced in a little over a week. Lets' try to get thru Rd 1 on Saturday, GMs can PM me their draftboards, if not available, I wlll be available all day Sat, Sun & Mon. We have the best group of GMs, you guys make this mock great, I appreciate your awesome dedication. Newbies don't let us down BEST TIME OF YEAR....NFL DRAFT!!!
Compensatory picks should be announced on the 23rd or 24th. The Steelers will almost undoubtedly receive a 3rd rounder for losing Alan Faneca.
Thanks Cakes.......I will update the end of rd 3 and 4-7 as soon as they are announced. The formula for determining comp picks is very obscure and difficult to predict. I agree, Faneca at worst should give Pittsburgh a Rd 4...probably will get a rd 3. Side note, the Jets got a 3 rd pick for Lamont Jordon....drafted Eric Smith......a huge reach, it was a terrible pick at the end of Rd 3. Teams with limited picks don't may pick up some more next week.
Well, I have a looooong time before I pick. Unless the Pats end up with Julius before next Saturday, that is.
ill check in the mornin whos beofe and after me but im down for texting to amke things go a little quicker.
Sorry -MC-, Ain't happening. Brought up by Popeye's army a while ago......not everyone is capable of phone alerts. I don't expect you to sit by your PC all day, PM your draftboard ahead of time.
I'll put you on the waitlist. There is one ahead of you. I'll PM you if something comes available...or someone gets throw out for missing multiple picks.
If you want to make an arrangement with the GM (before an after your pick) that's fine. Just make sure you PM them on this site also. You still have to follow the rules PMing the next GM on the TGG site, I won't let that rule be altered.
I might need to drop out of the mock draft if someone wants my team. I'm going to Boston for the Nova games, so Saturday, I can't guarantee I'm around. I'm sure someone else would want to get in.
You're a newbie, and got in in late in the game and got was available. Vet GMs get first choice, Do well (follow the rules and don't misss a pick) in this mock and next year you will have better choices. JetfanMack had to drop can have Pittsburgh, I'll give Carolina to someomne on the waitlist. Sound good?? If you have any other concerns..PM me.