Gastonguay Family That Left US In Sailboat Over Religious Freedom Was Lost At Sea For Months ....Sigh!! where does one begin to comprehend this? Why did this family allow the US Embassy to arrange their passage back to this living hell of abortions and homosexuality? I don't even feel animosity towards them, I feel ....... pity.
The leap of faith led them to... The USA. Which BTW is one of the few places on earth where you're unlikely to be killed because of your religion if you get caught in the switches.
My favorite comment at the end ; Plan 9 2 Fans 4 hours ago ( 9:45 AM) If there really was a god, they would have been rescued by a gay cruise.
It's hard to make a blindly pro-American comment about a family that left the US looking for greater religious freedom and wound up settling for a flight home on the government. The contradictions involved make nothing you try to spin safe ground, particularly from a righty perspective.
Foreign nationals flee their countries and they are considered heroes and righteous. Anyone tries to flee this country and they are ridiculed. Anyone questions the entire government of this country and they are considered insane. Anyone challenges the laws of this country and they are considered criminals. Welcome to socialism. Population: YOU
Why would they head for Kiribati, a country that is expected to disappear under the sea in a few years' time?
try to flee this country by buying a plane ticket and leaving like a normal human being...sane. try sailing out when you have no idea what the hell you are doing...ridiculed.
...I'm also wondering why they didn't request asylum in Chile while they were there? Or request asylum from the Kiribati embassy in Chile What do they think have changed here since they left, other than more abortions and more legal gay marriages? Why come back? For that matter, why set sail blindly into the great deep blue, before applying for Kiribati citizenship? Did they just expect to pull up on the shores there and say "we're Americans, and we want to live here, you must have us" They are a bunch of fumb ducks!!
Probably didn't mind the government interference when that monthly welfare check went into their bank accounts...
Well they were headed to the pretty much the poorest place on earth. So the whole trip seems really thought out.
Time to find those kids a new set of parents. If that's not child endangerment, I don't know what is. They'll eventually be fed 'special' kool-aid so it's best to deal with the situation now
parents should be free to raise their children with whatever ideology they choose, no matter how fucked up. I don't think the government should be dictating whether children should have some specific type of upbringing and anything that veers from that is endangerment.
What about the Amish that pull their children out of school after eighth grade? They basically guarantee them a life of shitty manual labor if they decide to break from the church. That's worse than regular beatings as far as child abuse goes.
now it is endangerment if a child doesn't get an education? some people are poor, some people are rich, and others in the middle. not having what others do is not being endangered. it is not the governments job to dictate that if a child is not reared in a manner that allows him to achieve a certain level of success that the child has been endangered.
So if I decide to raise my kids as cannibals that's ok with you? Ideology can be constructive or harmful or somewhere in between. Where the line settles is partly dependent on where society is at the moment but it's also partly dependent on where the parents want to go with it. It's definitely not ok to take your kids out on the open ocean in an unsafe vessel in search of the unknown. If the parents had built a raft to go sailing to Atlantis because they believed a revelation had directed them to do so would it be ok for them to drag their kids along with them?
is cannibalism legal? last I checked it was legal to be uneducated and/or stupid. come on, you're better than non-sensical extremes to try and make a point. what if the parents took the kids in a fully functioning yacht and they got stranded. I can play the what-if game too to counter your point to eliminate the element of your argument necessary -- the unsafe vessel. so if the vessel is safe it is okay to take your kids out in the ocean, right? the destination is irrelevant. who is the government to dictate that it is okay to sail the see in a functional and safe vessel if you are going somewhere fun but not if you are going on a ludicrous religious journey?
Actually, the government should and does dictate that shoving your minor kids onto a derelict boat with no adequate supplies, fixed destination, or plan on going somewhere alive is not acceptable behavior. Those kids are going to have a new mommy and daddy real soon