Anyone play this game? It's probably the most fun I've had playing an online game in a long time - that includes Madden.
Yup, I pretty much pwn in this game... :breakdance: GT: ROYAL 1 I've been playing the COD4 Beta a little more lately and it will be the best Wartime Shooter out...
Yeah, I've been playin that a lot too...It has so many awesome features. I can't wait for it to come out. I'm getting pretty nasty at Bow-6. GT: nameTAKEN29
Bump... I just bought this game a few days ago, and for some reason, I really can't get into it. I think it sucks hard, frankly, its exactly the same as the rest of the other Rainbow Six games I have on the original Xbox. Am I missing something?
I can't stand console shooters. Vegas 2 on the PC for me. It's a pretty fun game, but far from perfect (glitches and bugs galore). I've beaten most of the terrorist hunt maps solo already (Murdertown is a bitch).
Do you play alot of pc shooters? I don't really play any PC, but I'm dying for the hope that Crysis gets released for the PS3. That game looks unbelievable.
It's more of a control thing for me. The keyboard+mouse combo outclass any analog stick Sony or Microsoft can come up with. The accuracy and maneuverability just aren't the same between the two.