I think part of it is the lack of diversity in Law Enforcement. Just not enough Black Cops on the beat. There's also the lack of Older Black Males staying in the 'hood to provide positive examples. We all get the hell out! Wouldn't have anything at all to do with the age of those doing the crimes.??? End result of babies having babies.. No adults to provide guidance. The Village can't raise a child when there is no village. #LostGeneration #BringBackTheDraft #UrbanBlackCultureNeeds2Change
I am not a black man, but I do have a very large penis, so I feel I can respond. By using those numbers (and I'm gonna round up a little 200mil vs 40mil) there are 5 times as many whites as blacks. Wouldn't just the law of averages predict a black person looking to commit a crime would be 5 times more likely to find a white person to commit the crime against? A white person would be 5 times less likely to find a black person... it's actually probably worse odds for most white peoples, I could look for days around here and not find a black person to commit a crime against. (okay, that's not really true, one of my 3 neighbors that live on our road is a sweet old black lady.) To be honest, my dick isn't that big either.
I teach in a school that has low income area students bused in. For every African American student that comes from a 2 parent household or a single parent but highly involved in their education, I have 4 to 5 that are from single parent homes where Mom is in her 20's, have no support for homework etc. and you never hear from them. The ones coming form more traditional homes with engaged parents as a whole perform just as well as most any white kid. On the other hand the white kids that come from similarly difficult home lives do not perform well, there is just a whole lot smaller percentage of them. Teachers and schools get all kind of pressure to produce results, but the sad reality is that we have a lot less impact than people think, the power of a child's success falls mostly on the parenting.
I'll tell you something, the black guys I used to work with were some of the most conservative people I ever met. They took the whole middle class/marriage/mortgage/minivan thing to the extreme. They were all about church, school and law and fucking order. Wipe those goddamn crackheads right off the sidewalk goddamnit.