QB Competition after game 1 and thoughts

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by johnnysd, Aug 12, 2006.

  1. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    I think that nothing was truly cleared up in the preason game for Jets.

    I think that going in Chad was #1 and Clemens #2.

    I suspect it is still the same, but Clemens played well enough that the spearation between them is a little less.

    Chad may have been able to get annointed as the starter with a clearly superior performance over Kellen but it did not happen.

    Personally, I thought Clemens looked better than Chad last night. I am not saying he is going to start from day 1, but if Mangini is truly sincere about the "open" competition at QB, then the possibility of Clemens winning went up a little from this game.

    Ramsey did nothing but hurt himself. Bolly is clearly #4 now, but could have a good chance of #3 when it is all said and done. Chad/Kellen clearly 1/2 now.

    Will be interesting to watch. Look for the "open competition to continue"

    Wide receiver will also be interesting.

    No way does Brad Smith get cut. He will make the team. He looked good and could definitely see a lot of playing time this year.

    Cotchery looked very good as well, but should have fought for the lob (which was perfect) from Clemens. I think he is making a strong argument for the #2 spot.

    Coles is #1.

    McCairens did not distingush himself despite starting. I think it is becoming more and more possible he could be cut.

    One additional reason is Newhouse. He is having a great training camp and looked good. I think he will make the team.

    Dwight also looked good. So it seems like we have


    McCairens does not seem to fit. I think he will be cut.

    Houston looked better than Blaylock.

    Leon Washington will make the team.

    Blaylock could be out. Look for the trade rumours to heat up. My choice, being a San Diegan now would be Michael Turner but it won't happen.

    * I think that what Mangini did in this game was smart. He started the "on paper" 1st stringers. They then have the first chance to prove that they should stay there. McCairens and Blaylock did not do that.*

    It will be interesting to see if we stick with a predominant 3-4 look, or if it becomes the change of pace look. Vilma was struggling in it. We looked very soft up the middle. I do not think Kimo/Dewayne can get it done. With Pouha out, unless we can get a free agent or trade for a legit NT, 3-4 just does not seem to fit our personnel yet.

    Rashawn Reed looked bad. Schlegel lead the 2nd team. Look for him to start. Erick Smith as well. Huh, our two "non-value draft reaches" look primed for starting spots.

    Overall I was encouraged. We have a long way to go. I liked the offensive scheme. I am excited about Clemens, Brad Smith, Cotchery and even Newhouse. Dwight looks like a solid addition. Brick and Mangold were solid. We have the potential for a good offensive team this year.

    Defense needs much more work. Bryan Thomas looked good. So did Miller but that is about it. Barton too. Expect lots of changes here as preseason goes along.

    Whatever our record it will be a fun year. J-E-T-S Jets!Jets!Jets!
  2. JetsIn2004

    JetsIn2004 Banned

    Jan 26, 2004
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    1) 4th round draft picks do not get cut very often. So we all knew Smith and Washington were not getting cut

    2) McCareins is not getting cut. He's 1M against the cap this year, and 3M next year if cut.

    3) Clemens had the better chance to look "better". Why? a) He played against 2nd stringers, and b) He played in more passing situations (2 minute drill). Pennington looked fine to me. I strongly believe the Jets did not want to open it up with Pennington chucking it deep because they want people to think he can't come the regular season
  3. NamathDays

    NamathDays New Member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    I agree with whatever he says...rank hath its priviliges...I'd also say...preseason is pretty deceptive...as proven by our famous 5-0 preseason...i'd caution making too many inferences so early...but by all means...Lets Go Jets...
    PS longtime season ticket-holder...new to this board(obviously)...but it looks to be a home for a long time
  4. kinghenry89

    kinghenry89 New Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    Clearly Pennington leads the QB competition, and as Rich Cimini can't help but write in every article of his because he thinks it's so damn funny, barring injury implosion he's gonna be the starter.

    I still would not count Ramsey out just because Clemens got more playing time in the first preseason game of the year. I'd be willing to wager that Ramsey gets more playing time than Clemens in games 2 and 4 of the preseason and a decision as to whom will be the second string QB will be made before week 1 of the season, because neither guy is getting cut.
  5. realdealramsey

    realdealramsey New Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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    Exactly. And how does Ramsey look pitiful and hurt himself, like some here are saying, with 3 little mop up passes? Seems the whole Jet nation wants to bury him before they even see him.
  6. RobA

    RobA 2005-2007 TGG.com Most Optimistic Award Winner

    Oct 27, 2005
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    I really agree with everything you said, good points.
  7. Imagesrdecieving

    Imagesrdecieving Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    I am glad that Kellen got to play and his performance will surely boost his confidence. I really wish that Ramsey would have gotten more time though.

    What we saw in this game was exactly what Schotty said they would be concentrating on - the short passing game. I thought the offense did a good job of executing the short passing game and for that reason I considered our passing O a great sucess on Friday. I am glad to see that Schotty has a plan and it involves incremental development.

    Based on the above - it is no suprise to me that Chad has been excelling so far in camp. He has been great thoughout his career at dinking and dunking. My concern though is that he will begin to struggle as the offense progresses and Schotty opens it up more. Can he get it done in the intermediate to long game without a strong running game? I have my doubts and this week of TC and the next preseason game should give me a better idea.

    That is why I wanted to see more of Ramsey. I am cusious to see how he would have fared implementing our gameplan? I have alot more confidence in his intermediate to long game as compared to Chad. If he can be efficient in the short game I feel alot more comfortable with him as our QB this season.

    I am leaving Clemens out of the competition as I really want him to sit this year and learn. Let him get the offense down pat before trying to adjust to the speed of the NFL game. His performance was great but it came against the Tampa 2nd string while Kellen was behind 4/5's of our starting OLine. In the regular season he would be facing ALOT more pressure while our line goes through it's growing pains.
  8. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    I tried to leave my personal views out of the post, and just say what I have observed and concluded from training camp reports. If I was to state my personal biases and desires for QB they would be:

    1. I am not a Ramsey fan at all. I see no reason to expect him to be any better than Bollinger and he has consistently failed. There are very few Favres in the world. I think that he is failing in camp also, and hence just the mop up time for him.

    2. I have been a huge Chad fan, but I think his time has passed. Yes, he will likely be the starter but I see significantly less upside in Chad for the team than Kellen. I totally agree that Chad will struggle when the offense needs to be opened up. Defenses know also he cant do it, which will mean the field gets compressed and defenses will be able to exploit him.

    3. I think that the "hold the clipboard" stance that has become de rigeur for rookie QBs is just not valid. Some have failed starting right out of college, others have failed. Some have gone on the Hall of Fame starting right away, others have gone to the soup line. I think there is no "correct" way. It depends on the individual. I think that Clemens may be in a situation that would benefit from him starting right away.

    4. Oh and since he was a college QB, I can mention that I am solidly on the Brad Smith bandwagon and think he can grow into a true game changing impact player which we have not seen since...............?????
  9. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    :sad: if he's gonna be the starter, expect another top 5 pick next year. as soon as the games count for real, teams are gonna blitz the hell out of noodle arm. the dink and dunk will become the chuck and duck. they should 'rotate' him to k.c. for a draft pick. :eek:hmy:
  10. hendersg

    hendersg New Member

    Sep 29, 2003
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    I personally would like to see more of Ramsey, just to know what we have with this program. He hasn't shown much in DC, but he's been kinda tough in the pocket, and I like his arm. I still say Clemens looks too undersized to be durable enough. I do like his arm strength though.
  11. dwalsh

    dwalsh 2006 TGG.com Rookie of the Year Award Winner

    Mar 3, 2006
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    I think next game the QB rotation will Ramsey starting, playing the 1st quarter.

    Clemens playing the second quarter.

    Bollinger playing the 3rd & 4th quarter
  12. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    You're not serious?
  13. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    This post was a breathe of fresh air in a cesspool of posts. I'm not saying all of the recent posts belong in a cesspool, but there sure are an awful lot of them. Nice to see an informed, level headed take on that game.

    I think Ramsey will get more time next week, but it might be his last chance to make the team. If Pennington did not in fact get injured, I know he can hit the medium range stuff, I've seen enough of TC to convince me of that. His long ball is the way it's always been (meaning 2002 form) ... a little more air under it than you would like to see, but good enough to make a 40 yard connection safely.
    #13 ThunderbirdJet, Aug 13, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2005
  14. hendersg

    hendersg New Member

    Sep 29, 2003
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    I would like to see Ramsey with the 1st team. No knock on Chad, but we really need to see what he can do. It can't hurt for showcasing purposes. I can't imagine Mangini keeping all 4, and its got to be Brooks or Ramsey as the odd man out or possible trade bait at this point.
  15. Dinobot 2

    Dinobot 2 Active Member

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Too bad Ramsey got no time in the other night. They got to get the big three in the next two games for alot of playing time. It was our damn defense. I don't think Brooks will see any time untill the 4th game.

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