PSL Default repercussions

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by JetsNation06, Feb 16, 2017.

  1. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I got my useless stuff. I'm hanging on by a thread here. I really think this is my last hurrah. I only asked for new lanyards 80 times after ponying up PIF. The Game Day experience, you don't even get simple paper hand outs anymore with players names and numbers about who is lining up against who. I used to love that. No posters. No play book hand outs. I'm talking about fukking paper, man. I am this close to visiting my Daddy's bones in a fit of conscience about my promise to never give these puppies up. I feel like I'm living in 75 1/2 Bedford Street.
  2. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Your dad could not have foreseen how Jet season tickets lost all their value. He obviously wanted you to continue going to games, you can still do that by cherry picking games off stubhub
  3. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    I received a card in the mail last week from my former ticket rep who stated, in a handwritten message, that she was sad to see me go and that if I ever feel like having season tickets again to contact her and she would be more than happy to set something up.

    Keep in mind I had two LL EZ PSL's that were only 1/2 of the way paid off, so yeah, anyone should be fine walking away as all I have endured in the past few months since deciding to walk away is 1 somewhat threatening letter, 2 voicemails from my old rep asking to call back to set up a payment schedule to keep my tickets before they're released and 1 phone call/voicemail from some guy who claimed he set up the Jets Rewards program (looked him up, he does work for the Jets - number matched and all) and was hoping he could convince me to keep the seats. And now this card, with her personal business card included.

    They've never come after any fan. They still aren't. They never will.
  4. sickandtired

    sickandtired Member

    May 27, 2017
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    Thanks for the follow up comments....keep em coming.

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  5. HorribleEverySingleSeason

    Sep 30, 2017
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    For you guys who defaulted did you talk to the front office first or did you just ignore them? I'm 99.9% sure I'm defaulting this year and just plan on ignoring them and their phone calls.

    I found this forum when I was doing a Google search about defaulting on the psl.
  6. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Woody Johnson promised not to sell PSL seats without a PSL, he breached that a long time ago. If they ever sued a PSL owner for default they would get slammed with a class action countersuit
  7. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Put on your reading glasses and pour yourselves a cuppa Joe. The PSL thing was a complete hose job from the get-go. At this point I don't know what special advantages a PSL owner in an average section really has over someone in a decent section in the UD. None that I am aware of. I can go to draft parties, go on those cruise thingies, go to wine tastings, it's just that people who are working two jobs, are in school and/or have little kids or whatever tend not to bother. Man, I wish I held onto the original offer. I tossed a bunch of stuff, unfortunately, but it was so full of crap. It was like this big, fat, dystopian WARNING! that if you didn't buy a PSL, the Jets reserve the right to strip you of your tickets any damn time they feel like it and just because. YOU WON'T HAVE RIGHTS LIKE PSL HOLDERS. WARNING, WARNING, WARNING!!! YOU'RE A NON-PERSON, YOU'RE MISSING OUT, WARNING, WARNING, WARNING!!! The only thing I really gave up, as far as I can see, is transfer rights. And I'll get to that in a minute . . .

    Next, they screwed up my seniority. It's a long boring story how, but after having STs since '63, you guessed it, they managed to screw it up. I even had seniority proof in writing. Physical proof in writing, that I requested when new stadium talk first started. You know, where PSLs would average 5K (see how I laugh). We wound up OK, eventually, but everything from Jay Cross to the final result of that POS Palace a/k/a The New Dump is and was a disaster. I never did tell my Willet's Pt. story and how the Jets blew that one, either. Next time.

    Now I don't necessarily think that taxpayers who don't give a rat's ass about football should have to pay for new a stadium, but hey, I don't have children and a bunch of humps from the suburbs that moved up here had to have A NEW SCHOOL when the OLD SCHOOL COULD'VE BEEN EXPANDED, SAVINGS TONS OF MONEY AND WOULD BE A SUPERIOR FACILITY (see Old Dump vs New Dump analogy). Also turns out that greasy palms were involved and the reason that school went in - even though people voted against it - on WETLANDS, no less - was because a shady developer owned tons of acreage since the early 70s but could never get approval because he didn't have an access road. Well, guess, what, because of the school, now he has his access road, and 500 hundred houses are going up. And yep, childless by choice me, my school taxes skyrocketed 35% so little Johnny could have a pool at his new school when he could've had a pool at his old, "new" expanded school for 1/3 the cost and far less of a tax hike. Hear that Woody?

    So back to PSL "advantages", someone mentioned the concert ticket lie. I remember at the time asking the rep (knowing I wasn't going the PSL route) what happens when a Giants PSL holder and Jets PSL holder want to go to the same concert, do they share asscheeks in the same seat? SCAM. I don't want to spread any misinformation, but I have yet to hear that PSL holders for either team have been offered "exclusive seats" to x,y,z concert and/or events. Enlighten me and certainly correct me on that if I'm wrong, please, I can take it. How a joint venture from two fan bases could turn out such a crap stadium is beyond me. It sucks. Then of course there was the whole "because we value our fans, we are not charging a PSL in the upper deck" disingenuity. Be prepared to get annoyed . . .

    People who had already been sitting in the UD in The Old Dump couldn't care less. The 1K PSL that the Giants charged for the UD was reflected in the 12.5K difference in, for instance, Sect. 239. Jets 25K. Giants 12.5K. You read that right. 12.5K less for the Giants PSL for the same seat because the Jets weren't charging for the UD out of the goodness of their hearts. Not. They presented it that way, but it did nothing for long time STHs who got bankrupted out of comparable seats to the hinterlands and were punished with . . . NO TRANSFER RIGHTS. Which brings me back to . . . WARNING!!!! So, in the end, it was a subtle way to strong arm old timers into shelling out with veiled threats that the Jets would eat your tix on you in a stealth operation in the middle of the night - because they could. Stick your generous "offer". That's right, I didn't shell out.

    Fast forward to the 8th season in The New Dump, and if I decided to walk away tomorrow, the Jets would try to sweet talk me into staying. Eat shit. I do feel kinda bad for people who paid top dollar for PSLs. You can get them on the secondary market now for peanuts in comparison. You can probably even buy a $700 ticket for $250 bucks. I decided to hold on in 2018 and then I'll make a gut-wrenching decision about what to do. It's that Father/Daughter bond nostalgia and my promise to my Daddy that holds me back, but I'm trying to be rational about it because I know he would've told the Jets to beat off in Macy's window after so many years of loyalty. To be continued . . .
    #67 jetophile, Oct 4, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2017
  8. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Hah, some of the usernames in here are killing me. same old jets, HorribleEverySingleSeason, sickandtired. I posted in a different thread that when I first joined here, I almost went with BruceCoslet'sDaughter.
  9. HorribleEverySingleSeason

    Sep 30, 2017
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    My main reason for dropping has been posted here a bunch of times in this thread already. I can skip the 2 preseason games which are an absolute waste of money when the Jets charge you full price and I can go to any game I want in my section for half price. It's just not worth it to keep my PSL and season tickets when I can save so much more money and still go to any game I want. I have no problem admitting I was a sucker but that's what love does to you sometimes.

    I was just curious to see what the people who defaulted on their PSLs did, just ignoring them or telling the Jets they weren't paying. I'm most likely going the ignoring route cause I simply don't want to be bothered talking to them.
    sickandtired likes this.
  10. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    That's so bitchy in a great way. "It's so and so's anniversary!" "I'm most likely going the ignoring route cause I simply don't want to be bothered talking to them." I might use this someday.
  11. HorribleEverySingleSeason

    Sep 30, 2017
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    The deadline is tomorrow, anyone else not paying it? I'm definitely not. I doubt I bother picking up the phone when they start calling.

    The boarding pass plans was the final straw for me. I should have done this years ago but it is what it is. I absolutely loved going to games as a kid and I was thrilled to finally get season tickets after a those years of being on the waiting list but my enjoyment in going to the games has diminished so much since when the stadium first opened that I just can't justify paying for any of it anymore. The winning/losing has nothing to do with it. I'll always be a big fan but I'll be watching from the couch for a very long time.
    #71 HorribleEverySingleSeason, Oct 31, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2017
  12. sickandtired

    sickandtired Member

    May 27, 2017
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    I dumped ST before season. i didn't even receive PSL invoice. Guess they just forgot about me already. Great!!

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  13. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Wrong thread.
  14. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    I sure spent a lot of time in that thread, as you probably know... Yeah, 227 vanished. Maybe somebody went on his lawn, he fired, and they fired back. It'd be great to see him back.

    I'm reading this thread for the first time today. It's an eye-opener, and I surely hope my game-day brethren who have had to bail on their PSL come out of it unscathed. I didn't buy one, and then spent several seasons with a lesser experience than I had had, in all my previous years attending every games back to Shea. IMO what really doomed the PSL's is the technology of the secondary market. Never before could fans buy tickets from one another. Even back in the old days when only 35,000 fans showed up for a bad Jets team, it was not a simple process to buy the tickets from those staying at home. Now it's simple to find a ticket at it's true market value. The team as well as the fans, could not have foreseen that in 2008 when the PSL's were being pitched. Add that to the fact that the tickets and overall experience are overpriced for this team, in this market, in this stadium (especially), and we have defaulting PSL owners. I've wondered how the PSL process has gone in Atlanta, Minnesota, and what will be happening in LA.
  15. HorribleEverySingleSeason

    Sep 30, 2017
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    I got that email that was posted on the first page recently cause I finally decided I'm done with the PSL nonsense. I'll update as it goes along as well. Probably won't go at all next year and just watch the games from the couch but it will be nice to not have to pay and go to preseason games for once.
  16. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    I wonder what % of PSL revenue contracted has actually been collected. At this point you have to figure at least 50% of PSL holders have walked away, but a good portion of those paid in full and others paid 5-7 years into their 15 year financing
  17. Donewithfootball

    Donewithfootball New Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I just received that email too. I'll update what happens for me, curious to see how many others are doing the same now, and what has happened with them.

  18. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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  19. Donewithfootball

    Donewithfootball New Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Hey sickandtired, any updates since your May posting?

  20. sickandtired

    sickandtired Member

    May 27, 2017
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    You probably get a phone call. Just hang up.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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