I liked the PS3 very much when I played it at Gamestop...But $500/$600 is absurd. And i'm a Sony guy...But that's ridiculous.
Agreed. I'm still with Sony on the portable systems (PSP > DS) but I'm really starting to like the idea of the Wii much more then the PS3.
360 is better than all. Wii is for kids. PS3 is expensive. 360 is just right. Never thought I'd move over to Xbox, but then I saw how much better the online system was and the graphics are as good as anything.
Agreed.. I liked the PS3, and never thought id own any Xbox system.. but after playing both.. there is no way in hell id drop 5-6 hundred dollars on the ps3. For me, the Xbox 360 is perfect.
:lol: http://wii.ign.com/objects/880/880697.html http://wii.ign.com/objects/842/842201.html Great kiddie games. 360 is nothing more than a Halo player, if it doesn't break. I'll take the PS3 for my powerhouse system.
Wii is pretty awesome. I don't have the money for a PS3... or 360 for that matter. I've never played a single second of any X-Box, anyway.
Are shooters the only thing the 360 has because I can name a bunch of Wii shooters. Metroid Prime 3 RE: 4 Medal of Honor RE: Umbrella Chronicles Ghost Squad For the present/future top sellers for the Wii: Metroid Prime 3 Mario Galaxy Super Smash Bros Brawl Wii Fit(may not like it but it will sell) Mario Kart Wii No More Heroes MySims Zelda:TP Wii Play BTW: Rumor has the 80 GB at $499.
I bought it liek a month after t came out....I just don;t understand why people complain so much about the roce....if you want it, you gotta pay it...and what's 600 bucks 4 years from now? I dunno, I just can;t see why so many people care so much about the price...
The Wii is jsut a fad and nothign more....it's a gimmick...but it just is not a legitimate system that will be able to compete with the PS3 and 360.....graphically it doesn't have the ability to catch up...
i love how everyone bashes ps3. if anyone wants to know how a serious debate went on 360 vs ps3 check the last few pages of this thread. http://forums.theganggreen.com/showthread.php?t=14975&page=3
Are u serious? Nintendo went for gameplay...not graphics. I'll take gameplay over graphics anyday....When i first heard about the Wii i also thought it was a "gimmick" because i remember the Powerglove growing up....but if u give it a chance i bet u'll like it, brings a different element to gaming.
Wow. Speechless. That's what I thought at first, but upon actually playing around with it, the control system is better than anything I've used before. It really made a believer out of me. I usually can't stand console shooters (I prefer keyboard and mouse any day), but the handling and control in Metroid is starting to change my mind. Firstly, I'm sure you heard this before, but graphics aren't everything. It doesn't matter how great a game looks if it plays like crap. Wii definitely stands up to the PS3 and 360 in terms of gameplay. Plus, as long as they keep churning out their franchise titles (Zelda, Mario, Metroid), they'll compete no matter what the graphics look like. Secondly, Wii games look pretty damn good. Visuals is equally about style and presentation as it is about pure graphical power. Hell, even GBA games, to this day, can still look visually pleasing, as long as they're done right. And thirdly, the Wii isn't exactly a slouch in the graphics department either. They may not be up to PS3 and 360's standard, but they're no eye sores. Although Sony has been my favorite console producer since PS1, I don't really consider myself a fanboy of any company. It's pointless to stubbornly stick to one system while denouncing all others as if it were a political party or sports team. You'd miss out on a lot of great games that way. Overall, the console wars this year seems pretty close in competition. Each has their own positives and negatives that make them on equal grounds with each other. It's pretty ignorant to rule out Wii simply because it doesn't have the same graphics horsepower as PS3 and 360.
I don't know, what 20 year old wants to fork over $600 and not care about the price? $600 puts a gap in any college kids wallet. I want it, doesn't mean I "gotta pay it."