Please read the story first. This guy is now celebrity in Turkey and Turkish people hope he causes the government in Turkey collapse. Yesterday morning, he had only 3000 followers on Twitter. Now he has 168,000. People are offering him gifts. He is public hero in Turkey. Loving the story.
Some twitter comments. I translated from Turkish "Dear Attorney, I want to be the scarf covering the hair on your balls. Big big balls. Please bring down Turkish government" "Dear Attorney, if we were to make your sculpture, we wouldn't find enough stone just to show your balls" "God bless the U.S justice... hope he's goin to share a cell with guy called T-Bag" "Hi Mr Attorney. My name is Selin. If you would like, you can rape my whole body with your balls" "Mr Bharara. I know you are Indian. The guy you arrested eats a lot of cows. Show him no mercy"
I only know a couple more Turks than Martians. None talk about balls. Do you know a lot of Martians hooked on balls?
Hahaha. No man. Turks don't have any obsession with balls. Since you guys don't know the situation, probably it looks weird to you. Now Turkey has a dictator president called Erdogan. He himself funded ISIS long time ago since he comes from a religious background. But he has one tiny problem. He is corrupt. Basically he is a thief. His family is a thief his friends are thieves. The guy the US attorney arrested was first arrested by Turkish police. President used his power to discharge all the policemen who arrested him. He also used his influence on Turkish courts and allowed this man to go free. So who is this guy. He laundered Iranian money in Turkey under the umbrella of Dictator Erdogan. Now this US Attorney caught the guy and rumor has it, he will extend the investigation to Dictator Erdogan. People in Turkey are in awe. 50% of Turkish people vote for Erdogan and love him no matter what. 50% hate him and wants him hanged. So now this US Attorney is a public hero for Turks who hate Turkish President. The balls reference is to his bravery. Because Turks believe Obama and Erdogan are in bed. They don't think Obama and American politicians will allow this US Attorney bring down Erdogan. Hence the balls.