Possible pleasant surprises.

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by k.Rhodes25, May 7, 2006.

  1. k.Rhodes25

    k.Rhodes25 New Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    Here are 3 of the players that i feel have the potential to break out this year. Tell me how u feel.

    1) Justin McCareins-I feel he can break out this year. Hes a wr who def has all the tools but hasnt not been able to lose the lable of being a mediocre reciever(has stayed around the 700 yd mark the last 3 seasons). Look to see better, more consistent, play from McCareins this season. That is if he stays healthy.

    2)Jerricho Cotchery-Although having to play the role of slot reciever this season i think cotchery will prove his worth and may possibly take over for mccareins if mccareins doesnt live up to his potential during the season.

    3)Cedric Houston- I feel that cedric can take over the starting job for us at rb if not this year then def next. I like how he played towards the end of the season. He is a hard nose rb who seems capable of being a go to back(sort of a rudi johnson type).

    Here are sum other possibilities
    1)David Barret-might solidify himself as a #1 CB this year
    2)Trevor Johnson-Could potentially solve our need for a pass rusher
    3)Darrel Mcclover-a far stretch to have a break out year this yr but def has the athletic ability
    4)Bryan thomas-mayb hell live up to his first round status of the 02 draft this year.
    5)Justin miller-has all the potential in the world at the cb position. but can he take that extra step.
    6)Chris Baker-everyone knows what he did befoire he got injured last year

    Mind u these are juss players i feel have the potential to break out this year. Im not saying they all will.
  2. kinghenry89

    kinghenry89 New Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    Trevor Johnson is an intriguing player. I take notice of a bench player any time he can come into a game and make me notice that he's there with a nice play, and Johnson seemed to get into the backfield a lot. It very well could have a lot to do with the talent around him, but he's a guy that I would keep an eye on in training camp.
  3. Rambo13

    Rambo13 New Member

    Dec 22, 2002
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    I'm thinking Robertson will be a pleasant surprise with being able to handle the new scheme and play some nose and defensive end. The dude has got talent, I think he will put it together. I also think BT can give us something when he gets some decent run. I mean, he isn't going to replace Abraham alone, but he should be good for like 8 sacks and some QB pressure.
  4. GangGreen04

    GangGreen04 Active Member

    Feb 26, 2004
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    all u did was name all the mediocre players on our team and say that theres to potential they could have a surprise season. Lol just messin with ya but i feel that ellis who got lazy and fat due to his contract last year will step up with a nice year as our 3-4 de
  5. BigGreenFan

    BigGreenFan New Member

    May 22, 2003
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    Cedric Houston is not a good back. I think we saw enough out of him to say pretty confidently he just doesn't have the elusiveness to be an NFL starter or anything close to it. The guy runs hard but he just doensn't have it.

    Also Trevor Johnson is absolutely terrible and has not done a damn thing in an NFL game, preseason or otherwise.
  6. PRPitbull

    PRPitbull Active Member

    Apr 7, 2005
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    u basically named every Jet player who has underplayed/hasnt fully delivered yet. Its not like youre making any bold predictions.
  7. AMJets

    AMJets Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    If Bryan Thomas plays a good number of snaps at pass-rushing OLB, I think he could have a good season.
  8. Z-Dog

    Z-Dog New Member

    Mar 10, 2005
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    I'm thinking that Cedric Houston is not going to be a full-time NFL starter. Don't get me wrong, he hits the hole real nice, and has some receiving skills too. He will definitely have a role on the Jets. But I don't think he's a feature back. I don't think the Jets have a potential future feature back on the roster. That's not so terrible though - a lot of recent playoff teams use a rotation, and I think the Jets have a stable with some potential.
  9. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    I will give ya two players from the offensive and defensive side of the ball...


    1.Justin McCareins: This is a guy that gets bashed way too much. He had an average season last year because...

    A. We were a 4-12 team and

    B. We didn't have the offensive line or the QB.

    McCareins played most of last year hurt and I respect that effort in a losing season. I have seen him in interviews and he is a very bright guy. So I have him pegged for at least 900 yards this season. If we get some consistent QB play, those numbers could increase.

    2. Cedric Houston: This guy is a tough runner which we desperately needed last year when we didn't have Lamont. Idiot Herm Edwards didn't know how to split carries though so we only got to see a bit of his potential. I think he will be the goal line back and come in whenever Martin needs a breather. I expect some good stuff out of him.


    Kerry Rhodes: This dude has all the tools to become a very solid Safety. Hopefully Mangini can coach this dude up and get him to make some more big plays. I expect alot of tackles and perhaps a fair amount of picks.

    Shaun Ellis: IMO this is one of the guys that wasn't working out when Herm wasn't emphasizing strength and conditioning. Shaun Ellis at times just seemed to lack that strength that he normally has. I believe we have three Strength and conditioning coaches now so he should be back in top shape. Keep in mind, his rookie year he played in the 3-4 and actually had 8.5 sacks.
  10. californiajet

    californiajet Member

    Jan 16, 2003
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    Ellis also had those sacks COMING OFF THE BENCH. He was drafted as a 3-4 DE i think he will shine. I HOPE thomas breaks out but I wouldnt put any money on it.
  11. YoungJet

    YoungJet Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Actually Houston did pretty well considering he was a rookie 7th round pick and our offensive line would have given up sacks to a high school "D". Johnsons did very well considering he only played a few snaps a game. Everytime he came off the bench I noticed him making a play. Same with Cotchery, he didn't get very many snaps but when he was in, he made plays.
  12. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    Cedric Houston was actually a sixth round pick.
  13. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    Actually I am pretty sure Ellis was a starter day one. It was Abe who was coming off the bench.
  14. 1028

    1028 Active Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    McCareins was just as bad in 04, hes utter garbage as far as Im concerned
  15. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    In 2004 he was our go to guy. If Chad was healthy all year Justin would have had close to 1000 yards...
  16. 1028

    1028 Active Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    I posted this yesterday about him, and I feel it still applies here
  17. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    he was def a better player in 04 by far, don't know where you see this???

    anyway, robertson on d will be a good nose for us, i really believe this.....in 04 if you guys remember, he wasn't making that many great plays himself, but he was really holding his ground on double teams on a pretty consistent basis.....people would complain that he was drafted to be a playmaker, but he was taking on blocks almost like a nose tackle then and freeing up barton and vilma....he has the size as well, you don't have to be a 350 lb slob to be an effective 34 nose tackle......

    cedric houston also has a chance to become a good starter for us.....
  18. drnyjets

    drnyjets New Member

    Apr 1, 2006
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    Cedric Houston is a short yardage back at best. I think Baker will have a great year if he stays healthy. Thomas should play a lot better as a 3-4 outside LB. I look forward to seeing what Andre Maddox has to offer.
  19. Big Derty

    Big Derty Active Member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    With the QB situation and the running game being what it is I think it is going to be difficult for any WR on this team to hae a breakout year. To be honest I think that Mccareins getting that 7-800 yards is the type of player he is. Not everyone is meant to be a top notch receiver. I just hae not seen enough of cotchery to feel that he can be a starting WR in this league and I dont know what other people are basing these hopes off of. He had a solid College career but has done very little for us for the amount of people on here to have the faith that they do have in him.

    Houston looked good during the final games of the season but I am not sold on him being the franshise RB. This season will show us if he can handle it or not.

    I also think that at some point we need to stop thinking that every player has the ability to develop into starter or star potential. Trevor Johnson will not solve our pass rushing woes and Brian Thomas will not be living up to being a first round pick. There are 53 roster spots on each team and only 24 starters....the team needs backups, and role players.
  20. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    I see Coleman having a break out year under the Mangini defense. Safeties often regreess a bit in their second year as their confidence causes them to freelance and make big plays, and they get burnt being out of the scheme and position. I see a big year for him.

    Sean Ellis was allowed to get lazy and went south when things got hard. Assuming he is healthy, I think he will return to form this year.

    Bryan Thomas will have a big year in the OLB spot. I think he is more suited to this spot. He is already very strong against the run, but with the middle being very strong, and with Thomas being in open space, expect for him to start applying pressure to the QB and having a good number of sacks. Like Bollinger, many here hate Thomas, but he is a much better player than anyone gives him credit for.

    Brad Smith will make the transition to WR and emerge as our playmaker.

    Pociask will become a key offensive player, and be a terrific blocking FB in the mold of Lorenzo Neal. He will create holes for Washington and Houston, our twin city running back corps, and our rushing game behind Brick and Mangold will be dramtically improved.

    On the other side of the coin I think that Martin and Pennington will prove ro be done and this will be their last seasons with us.

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