When you've gone this far, you'll always be a fan deep down...... but actually giving a shit about the team, that's another story. My other option isnt exactly an improvement.... Go Jags
I would avidly root against the Jets until he is gone. Similar to this years tank. I can only imagine how bad the staduim would be with fans. It would be completely embarrassing for the Johnson's.
No, that will be it for me. 55 years of mostly misery is enough. I'm not a masochist. I owe the Jets nothing. They owe me for rooting for them, going to games, buying merchandise, and spending my time and energy watching them, reading and posting about them. The way I look at it, a team that can't get its act together is somewhat like a wife who cheats on you. I'll tolerate the team and give them every chance to get it right, whereas I wouldn't be nearly as understanding, forgiving, and patient with a cheating wife, but I have my limits. I have given them a ton of my time, energy and $s. I feel betrayed by the Johnsons who promised a stadium of their own, and a better future than what we'd had with that dumb bastard Leon Hess. They've been just as bad, if not worse than Hess. No Jets stadium, lousy football that's disgusting, frustrating, and an embarrassment. When they hired Douglas, I said to myself, "Enough is enough." If they don't get it right with him, and let him run the show, I'm done. If they hadn't hired Douglas, and instead had hired yet another clueless boob as GM, I would have already been done. Even with Douglas here, if they keep Gase, or meddle and don't make the right HC hire this offseason, I'm done. The Johnsons don't deserve any more chances or forgiveness. Get it right or they can shove the Jets up their ass or drop dead. I simply won't care. None of us are promised tomorrow. I don't know how much longer I'll be alive, but I'm not going to spend one more minute in false hope where there is no chance of satisfaction, and being frustrated. I'm going to surround myself with peace and enjoyable activities, and not bang my head on a wall any longer.
I’d certainly be a less-intense fan for the year. If Gase returns, coupled with the world being open again, my schedule would revolve way less around the games and I would not buy a ticket to a game. But I’d still care. I can’t turn that off. But I’d be detached to a degree until he’s gone. He’s terrible.
Yes, I can't not be a Jets fan. I've tried. It does however get harder and harder to watch games as we plow deeper into the shit show so I'd probably start finding other things to do with my sundays.
I will always be a Jets fan but I will no longer watch or support this team until it is sold to a different owner.
Well there is 0 chance they bring him back so it looks like they’ll have to find some other way to kick us in the balls every Sunday.
I will be moving on, period, cancelling the NFL ticket, saving 300 smackers to watch our beloved team embarrassed week in and week out. No more SOJ for me.
I’ve been through a lot with this team, the Miami mud game, the Kotite years, all the bad draft picks but I loved this team. I always had hope that we would have our day, I felt that when we won the Super Bowl, all the heartache and disappointment would fade away. If Gase is the head coach next season it will be a slap in the face to Jet fans. I want to put my foot so far up Woody Johnson’s ass that his Jet hat falls off. ENOUGH! After hiring Gase and THEN firing Maccagnan the Johnson’s showed us all how clueless and pathetic they are. They should hand Joe Douglas complete control or sell the Team. If Gase comes back I’m done.
in a word NO. 53 years and I will not watch them next year, i been watching the Packers for a couple of years now besides the Jets but if this happens... I troll you guys, LOL!
I will always be a Jet fan, like I’m an Islander fan and a Mets fan and a Celtics fan. I may stop watching them when the team is bad as I did my other teams but I will not leave them unless they leave town.
I want to say "no" but if I really had a choice I wouldn't be one now. Jets are just my team for better or worse. With that said if they bring back Gase I'm gonna be pissed off